Barney & Friends - All Episodes

Season 1

S01E01The Queen of Make-BelieveApr. 6, 1992
S01E02My Family's Just Right for MeApr. 7, 1992
S01E03Playing It SafeApr. 8, 1992
S01E04Hop to It!Apr. 9, 1992
S01E05Eat, Drink and Be Healthy!Apr. 10, 1992
S01E06Four Seasons DayApr. 13, 1992
S01E07The Treasure of Rainbow BendApr. 14, 1992
S01E08Going Places!Apr. 15, 1992
S01E09Caring Means SharingApr. 16, 1992
S01E10Down on Barney's FarmApr. 17, 1992
S01E11What's That Shadow?Apr. 20, 1992
S01E12Happy Birthday, Barney!Apr. 21, 1992
S01E13Alphabet Soup!Apr. 22, 1992
S01E14Our Earth, Our HomeApr. 23, 1992
S01E15Let's Help Mother Goose!Apr. 24, 1992
S01E16Be a FriendApr. 27, 1992
S01E17I Just Love Bugs!Apr. 28, 1992
S01E18When I Grow Up...Apr. 29, 1992
S01E191-2-3-4-5 Senses!Apr. 30, 1992
S01E20Practice Makes MusicMai 1, 1992
S01E21Hi, Neighbor!Mai 4, 1992
S01E22A Camping We Will Go!Mai 5, 1992
S01E23A Splash Party, PleaseMai 6, 1992
S01E24Carnival of NumbersMai 7, 1992
S01E25A World of MusicMai 8, 1992
S01E26Doctor Barney is Here!Mai 11, 1992
S01E27Oh, What a Day!Mai 12, 1992
S01E28Home Sweet HomesMai 13, 1992
S01E29Hola, Mexico!Mai 14, 1992
S01E30Everyone is SpecialMai 15, 1992

Season 2

S02E01Falling for Autumn!Sept. 27, 1993
S02E02Grandparents Are Grand!Sept. 28, 1993
S02E03May I Help You?Sept. 29, 1993
S02E04Red, Blue, and Circles, Too!Sept. 30, 1993
S02E05Honk! Honk! A Goose on the Loose!Okt. 1, 1993
S02E06Hoo's in the Forest?Okt. 4, 1993
S02E07I Can Do That!Okt. 5, 1993
S02E08Grown-Ups for a Day!Okt. 6, 1993
S02E09Picture This!Okt. 7, 1993
S02E10Look at Me, I'm Three!Okt. 8, 1993
S02E11The Exercise CircusOkt. 11, 1993
S02E12My Favorite ThingsOkt. 12, 1993
S02E13The Dentist Makes Me SmileOkt. 13, 1993
S02E14Stop, Look and Be Safe!Okt. 14, 1993
S02E15An Adventure in Make-BelieveOkt. 15, 1993
S02E16The Alphabet ZooOkt. 18, 1993
S02E17Having Tens of Fun!Okt. 19, 1993
S02E18A Very Special DeliveryOkt. 20, 1993

Season 3

S03E01Shawn and the BeanstalkFeb. 27, 1995
S03E02If the Shoe Fits…Feb. 28, 1995
S03E03Room for EveryoneMärz 1, 1995
S03E04I Can Be a Firefighter!März 2, 1995
S03E05Shopping for a Surprise!März 3, 1995
S03E06Anyway You Slice ItMärz 6, 1995
S03E07Twice is Nice!März 7, 1995
S03E08On the MoveMärz 8, 1995
S03E09A Welcome HomeMärz 9, 1995
S03E10Classical CleanupMärz 10, 1995
S03E11Our Furry Feathered Fishy FriendsMärz 13, 1995
S03E12Gone Fishing!März 14, 1995
S03E13At Home with AnimalsMärz 15, 1995
S03E14It's Raining, It's Pouring…März 16, 1995
S03E15Camera SafariMärz 17, 1995
S03E16Who's Who on the Choo-Choo?Okt. 9, 1995
S03E17Are We There Yet?Okt. 10, 1995
S03E18Ship Ahoy!Okt. 11, 1995
S03E19Hats Off to B.J.!Okt. 12, 1995
S03E20Up We Go!Okt. 13, 1995

Season 4

S04E01First Day of SchoolNov. 17, 1997
S04E02Is Everybody Happy?Nov. 18, 1997
S04E03Pennies, Nickels, DimesNov. 19, 1997
S04E04We've Got Rhythm!Nov. 20, 1997
S04E05Tick Tock Clocks!Nov. 21, 1997
S04E06Waiting for Mr. MacRooneyNov. 24, 1997
S04E07Let's Build TogetherNov. 25, 1997
S04E08It's TraditionNov. 26, 1997
S04E09A Picture of HealthNov. 27, 1997
S04E10Play Ball!Nov. 28, 1997
S04E11A Different Kind of MysteryDez. 1, 1997
S04E12Going on a Bear HuntDez. 2, 1997
S04E13Let's Eat!Dez. 3, 1997
S04E14Tree-Mendous TreesDez. 4, 1997
S04E15Good, Clean Fun!Dez. 5, 1997
S04E16Easy, Breezy Day!Dez. 8, 1997
S04E17All Mixed UpDez. 9, 1997
S04E18Oh, Brother…She's My SisterDez. 10, 1997
S04E19Once a Pond a TimeDez. 11, 1997
S04E20E-I-E-I-ODez. 12, 1997

Season 5

S05E01Books Are Fun!Nov. 2, 1998
S05E02Trading PlacesNov. 3, 1998
S05E03Safety First!Nov. 4, 1998
S05E04Circle of FriendsNov. 5, 1998
S05E05The One and Only YouNov. 6, 1998
S05E06Barney's BandNov. 9, 1998
S05E07Try It, You'll Like It!Nov. 10, 1998
S05E08Colors All AroundNov. 11, 1998
S05E09Howdy, Friends!Nov. 12, 1998
S05E10Seven Days a WeekNov. 13, 1998
S05E11Hidden TreasuresNov. 16, 1998
S05E12A Royal WelcomeNov. 17, 1998
S05E13Sweet as HoneyNov. 18, 1998
S05E14First Things First!Nov. 19, 1998
S05E15Aunt Rachel is Here!Nov. 20, 1998
S05E16It's a Rainy Day!Nov. 23, 1998
S05E17Easy Does It!Nov. 24, 1998
S05E18What's in a Name?Nov. 25, 1998
S05E19A Very Special MouseNov. 26, 1998
S05E20A Package of FriendshipNov. 27, 1998

Season 6

S06E01Stick with Imagination!Nov. 1, 1999
S06E02Itty Bitty BugsNov. 2, 1999
S06E03Grandparents Are Grand (2)Nov. 3, 1999
S06E04Snack Time!Nov. 4, 1999
S06E05A Sunny, Snowy DayNov. 5, 1999
S06E06You've Got to Have ArtNov. 8, 1999
S06E07Five Kinds of Fun!Nov. 9, 1999
S06E08Count Me In!Nov. 10, 1999
S06E09Who's Who at the ZooNov. 11, 1999
S06E10Birthday OléNov. 12, 1999
S06E11Exercise/DanceApr. 3, 2000
S06E12Brushing Up on TeethApr. 4, 2000
S06E13A Little Mother GooseApr. 5, 2000
S06E14Good JobApr. 6, 2000
S06E15It's Home to MeApr. 7, 2000
S06E16How Does Your Garden Grow?Apr. 10, 2000
S06E17You Can Do It!Apr. 11, 2000
S06E18Fire SafetyApr. 12, 2000
S06E19Ready, Set, Go!Apr. 13, 2000
S06E20You Are Special!Apr. 14, 2000

Season 7

S07E01All Aboard!Sept. 2, 2002
S07E02Up, Down, and Around!Sept. 3, 2002
S07E03Tea-riffic MannersSept. 4, 2002
S07E04Puppy LoveSept. 5, 2002
S07E05Bunches of BoxesSept. 6, 2002
S07E06Stop! Go!Sept. 9, 2002
S07E07Red, Yellow, and Blue!Sept. 10, 2002
S07E08Play for Exercise!Sept. 11, 2002
S07E09Come Blow Your Horn!Sept. 12, 2002
S07E10A New FriendSept. 13, 2002
S07E11Numbers! Numbers!Sept. 20, 2002
S07E12This Way In! This Way Out!Sept. 27, 2002
S07E13Spring Into Fun!Okt. 4, 2002
S07E14Play It Safe!Okt. 11, 2002
S07E15Three Lines, Three CornersOkt. 18, 2002
S07E16A Parade of BikesOkt. 25, 2002
S07E17It's a Happy Day!Nov. 1, 2002
S07E18My Family and MeNov. 8, 2002
S07E19Splish! Splash!Nov. 15, 2002
S07E20B.J.'s Really Cool HouseNov. 22, 2002

Season 8

S08E01A Fountain of FunSept. 15, 2003
S08E02On Again, Off AgainSept. 16, 2003
S08E03Sharing is Caring!Sept. 17, 2003
S08E04Here Kitty, KittySept. 18, 2003
S08E05Once Upon a Fairy TaleSept. 19, 2003
S08E06A Fountain of FunSept. 26, 2003
S08E07A Perfectly Purple DayOkt. 3, 2003
S08E08Day and NightOkt. 10, 2003
S08E09Play Piano with Me!Okt. 17, 2003
S08E10A Picture of FriendshipOkt. 24, 2003
S08E11A-Counting We Will Go!Mai 3, 2004
S08E12A Big Little DayMai 4, 2004
S08E13A World of FriendsMai 5, 2004
S08E14Who's Your Neighbor?Mai 6, 2004
S08E15Squares, Squares EverywhereMai 7, 2004
S08E16Let's Go for a RideMai 10, 2004
S08E17That Makes Me Mad!Mai 11, 2004
S08E18It's Your Birthday, Barney!Mai 12, 2004
S08E19It's Showtime!Mai 13, 2004
S08E20At Home in the ParkMai 14, 2004

Season 9

S09E01Everybody's Got FeelingsSept. 6, 2004
S09E02Caring HeartsSept. 7, 2004
S09E03Let's Make Music!Sept. 8, 2004
S09E04Movin' AlongSept. 9, 2004
S09E05Let Your Creativity Fly!Sept. 10, 2004
S09E06Imagine That!Sept. 13, 2004
S09E07All About MeSept. 14, 2004
S09E08My Baby BrotherSept. 15, 2004
S09E09Keep on Truckin'Sept. 16, 2004
S09E10I'm a BuilderSept. 17, 2004
S09E11Coming on StrongMai 2, 2005
S09E12Let's Play Games!Mai 3, 2005
S09E13You Can Count on MeMai 4, 2005
S09E14A Wonderful World of Colors and ShapesMai 5, 2005
S09E15Easy as ABCMai 6, 2005
S09E16Look What I Can Do!Mai 9, 2005
S09E17Making a Move!Mai 10, 2005
S09E18Home, Safe HomeMai 11, 2005
S09E19On the Road Again!Mai 12, 2005
S09E20My Friends, The Doctor and DentistMai 13, 2005

Season 10

S10E01Welcome, Cousin Riff/Special SkillsSept. 18, 2006
S10E02Airplanes and BoatsSept. 19, 2006
S10E03Butterflies and BugsSept. 20, 2006
S10E04Shapes and ColorsSept. 21, 2006
S10E05Seeing and HearingSept. 22, 2006
S10E06Glad to Be Me/ArtsSept. 25, 2006
S10E07Movement/BJ's Snack AttackSept. 26, 2006
S10E08Counting and LettersSept. 27, 2006
S10E09Pets and VetsSept. 28, 2006
S10E10Winter and SummerSept. 29, 2006
S10E11Caring and RhythmOkt. 2, 2006
S10E12Playing Games and Fun with ReadingOkt. 3, 2006
S10E13Making Mistakes and SeparationOkt. 4, 2006
S10E14Days of the Week and SharingOkt. 5, 2006
S10E15Rabbits/Ducks and FishOkt. 6, 2006
S10E16Mother Goose and Fairy TalesOkt. 9, 2006
S10E17Things I Can Do and DifferencesOkt. 10, 2006
S10E18Dancing and SingingOkt. 11, 2006
S10E19Neighborhood and CareersOkt. 12, 2006
S10E20China and KenyaOkt. 13, 2006

Season 11

Season 12

Season 13

S13E01Bienvenido, Barney: MexicoSept. 7, 2009
S13E02Big Brother Rusty: ChinaSept. 8, 2009
S13E03Ahora Mismo!: SpainSept. 9, 2009
S13E04Venice, Anyone?: ItalySept. 10, 2009
S13E05Sweeter Than Candy: GreeceSept. 11, 2009
S13E06The Music Box: SwitzerlandSept. 14, 2009
S13E07The Good Egg: KenyaSept. 15, 2009
S13E08A Bird of a Different Feather: HawaiiSept. 16, 2009
S13E09Bonjour Barney!: FranceSept. 17, 2009
S13E10Home Sweet Earth: The RainforestSept. 18, 2009

Season 14

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