California's Gold - All Episodes

Season 1

S01E01Special OlympicsAug. 27, 1990
S01E02California SchoolsDez. 1, 1993
S01E03The Inaugural SpecialJan. 1, 1991
S01E04Cornish ChristmasAug. 12, 2004
S01E05Japanese American Home MoviesApr. 23, 1997
S01E06Sinatra's HouseJan. 29, 1999
S01E07Gold SpecialJan. 24, 2000
S01E08Wedding of the WatersAug. 12, 1999
S01E09NacimientosDez. 24, 2001
S01E10QuartzsiteJan. 29, 1999
S01E11WawonaOkt. 9, 2002
S01E12Yosemite Indian HistoryAug. 12, 2002
S01E13Half DomeOkt. 13, 2002
S01E14Boeing AircraftAug. 31, 2003
S01E15Shades of CaliforniaFeb. 2, 2004
S01E16PoinsettiasDez. 22, 2004
S01E17Holiday StarDez. 11, 2004
S01E18Tuba ChristmasDez. 12, 2004
S01E19El Camino Real BellsMai 3, 2005
S01E20Springtime in Death ValleyMai 3, 2005
S01E21TravelerOkt. 13, 2005
S01E22Reagan RanchNov. 12, 2005
S01E23Tejon RanchJuli 21, 2006
S01E24Hollywood SignFeb. 9, 2008
S01E25WascoFeb. 8, 2008
S01E26Aircraft CarriersMai 2, 2008
S01E27AnaheimSept. 13, 2008
S01E28Delta EcotourSept. 7, 2008
S01E29Owens RiverOkt. 27, 2008
S01E30Mono Lake TodayOkt. 11, 2008
S01E31LagunaNov. 10, 2008
S01E32Big CreekFeb. 9, 2009
S01E33Coachella Music FestivalApr. 6, 2009
S01E34Desert AdventuresMärz 30, 2009
S01E35Farallon IslandsSept. 14, 2009
S01E36Hearst RanchNov. 16, 2009
S01E37In-N-Out BurgerFeb. 1, 2010
S01E38Mt. WilsonJuni 21, 2010
S01E39Kaiser SteelMärz 26, 2012
S01E40B2 Bomber UpdateAug. 13, 2012
S01E41John Muir SpecialJan. 6, 2012
S01E42Eastside ReservoirDez. 8, 2003
S01E43California Aqueduct SpecialFeb. 3, 2007
S01E44Tales from the Golden EmpireSept. 8, 1990
S01E45Food SpecialJan. 8, 2012
S01E46Animal SpecialJan. 8, 2012
S01E47L.A. RememberedJan. 8, 2012
S01E48Potpourri SpecialNov. 30, 2012
S01E49House & Lawn SpecialNov. 30, 2012
S01E50Lummis HouseMai 9, 2016

Season 2

S02E01Living HistoryMai 9, 1991
S02E02Central CoastDez. 10, 1991
S02E03L.A. to San Francisco BayDez. 10, 1991
S02E04Head for the BordersDez. 10, 1991
S02E05Santa CruzDez. 10, 1991
S02E06L.A. AdventuresMai 10, 1991
S02E07Preserving the PastDez. 10, 1991
S02E08TraditionsDez. 10, 1991
S02E09TrainsDez. 10, 1991
S02E10ShipsDez. 10, 1991
S02E11Natural WondersDez. 10, 1991
S02E12Lost SierraDez. 10, 1991

Season 3

S03E01Gold CountryDez. 10, 1992
S03E02A Closer LookDez. 10, 1992
S03E03Devil's JawDez. 10, 1992
S03E04Singing CowboysDez. 10, 1992
S03E05Blossom TrailsDez. 10, 1992
S03E06Community CelebrationsDez. 10, 1992
S03E07BuildingsDez. 10, 1992
S03E08A Tale of Two CitiesDez. 10, 1992
S03E09Things That Crawl in the NightDez. 10, 1992
S03E10BodieDez. 10, 1992
S03E11Mono LakeDez. 10, 1992
S03E12Nisei Parade and Little TokyoDez. 10, 1992

Season 4

S04E01Buried TreasureDez. 10, 1993
S04E02Historic HorsesDez. 10, 1993
S04E03IslandsDez. 10, 1993
S04E04Joshua TreeDez. 10, 1993
S04E05Our State's Front YardDez. 10, 1993
S04E06MariachiDez. 10, 1993
S04E07Golden Gate BridgeDez. 10, 1993
S04E08Angel IslandDez. 10, 1993
S04E09World War IIDez. 10, 1993
S04E10AmboyDez. 10, 1993
S04E11Hard to Get ToDez. 10, 1993
S04E12Terra CottaDez. 10, 1993

Season 5

S05E01Water Under PressureNov. 8, 1994
S05E02Jack LondonDez. 10, 1994
S05E03California CompaniesDez. 10, 1994
S05E04Wings Over CaliforniaMärz 1, 1994
S05E05California's State ParksMai 1, 1994
S05E06California FlowersJuni 1, 1994
S05E07San Luis Obispo TrainJuli 2, 1994
S05E08Santa Barbara IslandAug. 1, 1994
S05E09Under CaliforniaSept. 1, 1994
S05E10KelpOkt. 1, 1994
S05E11On StageNov. 1, 1994
S05E12Keeping CoolDez. 10, 1994

Season 6

S06E01WeedpatchDez. 10, 1995
S06E02Huts and HangarsDez. 10, 1995
S06E03Olives and BerriesDez. 10, 1995
S06E04Important PlacesDez. 10, 1995
S06E05Hidden GoldDez. 10, 1995
S06E06Life in Death ValleyDez. 10, 1995
S06E07Scotty's CastleDez. 10, 1995
S06E08Center of CaliforniaDez. 10, 1995
S06E09OilNov. 8, 1995
S06E10California ZephyrDez. 10, 1995
S06E11Folsom PrisonDez. 10, 1995
S06E12McCloudDez. 9, 1995

Season 7

S07E01LighthouseDez. 10, 1996
S07E02California PoolsDez. 10, 1996
S07E03California FirstsNov. 8, 1996
S07E04Mare IslandDez. 9, 1996
S07E05Suisun BayDez. 9, 1996
S07E06Yosemite FirefallJan. 8, 1996
S07E07Neat HousesJan. 8, 1996
S07E08Dry Lake BedJan. 8, 1996
S07E09Camels and BisonJan. 8, 1996
S07E10San Juan BautistaJan. 8, 1996
S07E11Santa Rosa IslandJan. 8, 1996
S07E12Japanese Tea GardenJan. 8, 1996

Season 8

S08E01QuicksilverJan. 8, 1997
S08E02RailcarsJan. 8, 1997
S08E03Rocks in the WaterJan. 8, 1997
S08E04Mount San JacintoJan. 8, 1997
S08E05Wooden BoatsJan. 8, 1997
S08E06Slab CityJan. 8, 1997
S08E07ParadiseJan. 8, 1997
S08E08Mule DaysAug. 3, 1997
S08E09WindJan. 8, 1997
S08E10Bits and PiecesJan. 8, 1997
S08E11VandenbergJan. 8, 1997
S08E12Snow and IceJan. 8, 1997

Season 9

S09E01San Miguel IslandJan. 8, 1998
S09E02ColomaJan. 8, 1998
S09E03Blue AngelsJan. 8, 1998
S09E04GuadalupeJan. 8, 1998
S09E05Delta QueenJan. 8, 1998
S09E06China ClipperJan. 8, 1998
S09E07San Luis Obispo ChinatownJan. 8, 1998
S09E08See's CandyJan. 8, 1998
S09E09Big Things in the DesertJan. 8, 1998
S09E10Citrus Gold!Jan. 8, 1998
S09E11Arrowhead SpringsJan. 8, 1998
S09E12Shasta DamJan. 8, 1998

Season 10

S10E01SaltJan. 8, 1999
S10E02Hidden AlcatrazJan. 8, 1999
S10E03Kaiser ShipyardJan. 8, 1999
S10E04San Onofre BeachJan. 8, 1999
S10E05Things That Come BackJuli 31, 1999
S10E06TrestleJan. 8, 1999
S10E07Muscle BeachJan. 8, 1999
S10E08WineAug. 21, 1999
S10E09Flying FishSept. 13, 1999
S10E10Lompoc MuralOkt. 11, 1999
S10E11Devils PostpileNov. 8, 1999
S10E12AbaloneJan. 8, 1999

Season 11

S11E01First TheaterJan. 10, 2000
S11E02Pt. Sur LighthouseJan. 8, 2000
S11E03SwallowsMai 29, 2000
S11E04Bird RockJan. 31, 2000
S11E05MudpotsMai 8, 2000
S11E06Hot CreekJuni 2, 2000
S11E07Nixon's Boyhood HomeJuli 1, 2000
S11E08San Francisco CemeteriesAug. 4, 2000
S11E09Historic ChickensSept. 2, 2000
S11E10State Library TreasuresOkt. 24, 2000
S11E11Under Lake ArrowheadOkt. 6, 2000
S11E12MonarchsNov. 3, 2000
S11E13The Emperor and the PresidentDez. 10, 2000

Season 12

S12E01Clear LakeJan. 5, 2001
S12E02Dune BuggyFeb. 5, 2001
S12E03Egyptian MuseumJan. 8, 2001
S12E04PyramidJan. 8, 2001
S12E05Little Hollywood CarsMärz 24, 2001
S12E06ZamboniApr. 22, 2001
S12E07Will RogersMai 27, 2001
S12E08Vernal PoolsApr. 11, 2001
S12E09Glass BeachesJan. 8, 2001
S12E10California China ConnectionSept. 6, 2001
S12E11Giant RockOkt. 13, 2001
S12E12WindmillsNov. 4, 2001
S12E13TreesNov. 18, 2001

Season 13

S13E01White HouseJan. 8, 2002
S13E02Modjeska HouseJan. 12, 2002
S13E03Fire LookoutFeb. 2, 2002
S13E04Sub-NetFeb. 9, 2002
S13E05Erle Stanley GardnerMärz 31, 2002
S13E06Fire SteamerMai 4, 2002
S13E07DrawbridgeJuni 5, 2002
S13E08Missing San FranciscoJuli 6, 2002
S13E09Corona Road RaceJuli 27, 2002
S13E10Turtle Bay MuseumSept. 7, 2002
S13E11Nitt Witt RidgeSept. 28, 2002
S13E12ManzanarNov. 10, 2002
S13E13MattressDez. 1, 2002

Season 14

S14E01QuiltsJan. 4, 2003
S14E02SqueegeeJan. 8, 2003
S14E03Pismo ClamsMärz 15, 2003
S14E04Old-Fashioned HarvestMärz 31, 2003
S14E05John MuirApr. 27, 2003
S14E06Tuolumne MeadowsMai 26, 2003
S14E07Desert TowerAug. 30, 2003
S14E08Little ManilaJan. 8, 2003
S14E09Monterey TreesOkt. 10, 2003
S14E10Beach TraditionsOkt. 10, 2003
S14E11Holcomb ValleyNov. 16, 2003
S14E12BarnsJan. 8, 2003

Season 15

S15E01TeardropsJan. 9, 2004
S15E02Sequoia Black HistoryFeb. 4, 2004
S15E03Masonic CaveFeb. 25, 2004
S15E04Catalina CubsApr. 2, 2004
S15E05L.A. Air RaidMai 1, 2004
S15E06MuybridgeApr. 28, 2004
S15E07Skunk TrainApr. 28, 2004
S15E08Circus TreesJuni 7, 2004
S15E09Side CarsJan. 9, 2004
S15E10BicyclesJan. 9, 2004
S15E11Busch GardensSept. 19, 2004
S15E12AvocadosNov. 8, 2004

Season 16

S16E01MammothsJan. 9, 2005
S16E02ScotiaJan. 19, 2005
S16E03Songbird of ManzanarFeb. 8, 2005
S16E04HopsApr. 19, 2005
S16E05TidepoolsJuli 12, 2005
S16E06SwimsuitsJuli 15, 2005
S16E07Ships in a BottleAug. 4, 2005
S16E08Salmon FishingSept. 3, 2005
S16E09Wild Horse SanctuaryOkt. 1, 2005
S16E10Sea CavesOkt. 4, 2005

Season 17

S17E01LadybugsJan. 4, 2006
S17E02Aztec/WigwamJan. 23, 2006
S17E03Things Beside the RoadFeb. 7, 2006
S17E04CottonFeb. 18, 2006
S17E05Noriega'sFeb. 21, 2006
S17E06Printing MuseumMärz 8, 2006
S17E07PhotoplayerMärz 16, 2006
S17E08Warnors TheatreJuni 5, 2006
S17E09Solano Train FerryAug. 8, 2006
S17E10The Lost Golden SpikeAug. 17, 2006
S17E11Tecate TrainSept. 2, 2006
S17E12TroutOkt. 4, 2006

Season 18

S18E01Spontaneous AdventuresJan. 7, 2007
S18E02Roads Go ThruFeb. 5, 2007
S18E03Catalina Arabian RanchApr. 2, 2007
S18E04UrchinsMai 2, 2007
S18E05SkimboardingJuni 19, 2007
S18E06Yosemite RailroadJuni 23, 2007
S18E07Yosemite BuildingsSept. 4, 2007
S18E08Pet CemeterySept. 5, 2007
S18E09Norconian ResortSept. 9, 2007
S18E10Trees of MysteryOkt. 9, 2007
S18E11Moon TreesNov. 5, 2007
S18E12Sharktooth HillNov. 29, 2007
S18E13Centennial FarmDez. 21, 2007
S18E14Huntington Central ParkDez. 23, 2007

Season 19

S19E01Ansel AdamsFeb. 26, 2008
S19E02Oil IslandsMärz 20, 2008
S19E03Kern River PreserveApr. 3, 2008
S19E04Pacific Asia MuseumApr. 18, 2008
S19E05Gold Rush MedicineMai 15, 2008
S19E06Getty GardenMai 18, 2008
S19E07Costa MesaMai 20, 2008
S19E08Upper Newport BayMai 20, 2008
S19E09Newport BoatsMai 25, 2008
S19E10RandsburgAug. 24, 2008
S19E11PersimmonsSept. 21, 2008
S19E12PetroglyphsSept. 25, 2008
S19E13Old Town TustinSept. 26, 2008
S19E14Pear FairOkt. 15, 2008
S19E15White Sea BassOkt. 18, 2008
S19E16Barack Obama's California College DaysNov. 14, 2008

Season 20

S20E01SmartsvilleJan. 14, 2009
S20E02Places I've Wanted to GoFeb. 18, 2009
S20E03HmongMärz 5, 2009
S20E04GlacierMärz 16, 2009
S20E05Pt. Fermin Lighthouse LensApr. 28, 2009
S20E06Water CarJuni 23, 2009
S20E07Hearst Castle LandscapeJuli 1, 2009
S20E08Tall Ship CalifornianJuli 12, 2009
S20E09Golden Gate ReplicasSept. 8, 2009
S20E10Golden KnightsSept. 14, 2009
S20E11Capitol StepsSept. 16, 2009
S20E12Neptune PoolSept. 24, 2009
S20E13Chiriaco SummitSept. 26, 2009
S20E14JojobaOkt. 9, 2009
S20E15Lopez-Hill HouseOkt. 23, 2009

Season 21

S21E01Land SailingJan. 26, 2010
S21E02Rain BirdApr. 5, 2010
S21E03Headwaters Forest ReserveApr. 9, 2010
S21E04Coit TowerApr. 10, 2010
S21E05Catalina CasinoApr. 14, 2010
S21E06Elvis HouseMai 26, 2010
S21E07Cape Mendocino LighthouseOkt. 24, 2010
S21E08Masumoto Family FarmSept. 28, 2010
S21E09Michael AdamsNov. 26, 2010
S21E10La GrangeNov. 30, 2010

Season 22

S22E01Music VideoJan. 24, 2011
S22E02Oil WorkersFeb. 3, 2011
S22E03Lunar LandingFeb. 7, 2011
S22E04Sturgeon's MillFeb. 18, 2011
S22E05Snow Goose FestivalApr. 15, 2011
S22E06Old WoodMai 13, 2011
S22E07FlagpolesJuli 3, 2011
S22E08Baseball SodJuli 28, 2011
S22E09California RestaurantsSept. 7, 2011
S22E10Crookedest StreetOkt. 8, 2011
S22E11Vincent Price Art MuseumNov. 4, 2011
S22E12George StanleyNov. 20, 2011

Season 23

S23E01Green ChilesJan. 26, 2012
S23E02Persian Festival of FireMärz 14, 2012
S23E03Animal AcresJuli 10, 2012
S23E04Pen CollectorsJuni 17, 2012
S23E05Watch ConventionApr. 20, 2012
S23E06Bunny MuseumOkt. 15, 2012
S23E07Whistling ChampAug. 21, 2012
S23E08SoundwalkSept. 20, 2012
S23E09Pig Ears
S23E10Getty Villa
S23E11Ablitt House
S23E13The Two Anns
S23E15Champion Turf
S23E16Lemon Lily Festival
S23E17Big Nugget
S23E19Bassett Hound Picnic
S23E20Camel Dairy
S23E22Tallest Building
S23E23Nethercutt Update
S23E24Tales from the Golden Empire
S23E25Food Special
S23E26Animal Special
S23E27L.A. Remembered
S23E28Potpourri Special
S23E29House & Lawn Special

Season 24

S24E01FDR's BoatNov. 10, 2011
S24E02Chavez CenterJan. 12, 2012
S24E03S.S. Catalina UpdateApr. 23, 2012
S24E04Sea ShadowJuli 7, 2012
S24E05Cabrillo's ShipJuli 5, 2012
S24E06JacarandaJuli 6, 2012
S24E07Watts TowersAug. 20, 2012
S24E08Classic Arts ShowcaseSept. 20, 2012

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