Ghetto Justice - Season 1

Ghetto Justice - Season 1

Season 1

DatesMay 30, 2011 - Jun 24, 2011


古怪大狀 力亞助人
Season 1Episode 160 min

古怪大狀 力亞助人

業主加租 力亞拒之 不修邊幅的羅力亞,睡到日上三竿才起床。力亞深得街坊擁護,他用膳時見根叔被警員誤會他縱容狗隻四處便溺,於是為根叔解圍;他向警員表示自己是大律師,警員不信,反指他冒認大律師已犯法。此時力亞得知丁家富有急事找他,於是他飛奔前往,惹來警員誤會,兩人遂展開一場追逐戰。 力亞趕到現場,發現家富與街舖租戶,正在和業主唯一兒子理論。原來業主已死,其子成為新業主,並向租戶大幅加租;租戶表示業主生前曾表示決不加租,力亞於是指出死者的口頭協議亦有效三年,而新業主亦要搞好手續才是業權的擁有人,現時仍不到他說三道四,新業主只好悻悻然離去。 佐治證實 力亞身分 官仔骨骨的佐治到場,向警員提供證件,證實了力亞大律師的身分,並表示力亞已多次被人質疑身分,故見怪不怪。 家富帶了一班租戶去到「民間法律中心」,之後眾人去到位於法律中心側鄰的羅力亞大律師樓。雖然力亞竭力向眾人解釋他們的法律權力,但眾租戶見力亞的辦公室非常髒亂,門口又被人淋了紅油,信心正往下沉,幸好根叔到來向力亞致謝,又致送他的家鄉靚豆豉,眾人遂決定委託力亞和新業主洽商租約。 思苦出手 埋柏奇堆 王思苦和助手張芷芯上庭,思苦為了形象,新添了不少名牌。她為了討好著名大律師蔣柏奇,不惜讓柏奇的案件先審。後來思苦在酒吧又刻意討好柏奇的徒弟程博謙,只為可以成為柏奇律師團其中一員;博謙表示如思苦為一單柏奇負責的case早作準備,可代為引見。 力亞、家富、佐治在街上等待任職警員的朋友畢直,眾人悶極無聊,竟比鬥「吐核入垃圾桶」,力亞不慎因而弄污了思苦的新衫,兩人結怨。力亞後來更知道,原來思苦竟是租客之一、車仔麵檔檔主潘小琼的女兒! 不用加租 街坊慶賀 思苦眼見力亞不修邊幅,對他自然不信任;當她知道母親小琼委任力亞做法律代表,而不找她這位大律師時,更是為之氣結。新業主上門找潘小琼要求加租時,被小琼不慎弄傷了他的腳部;小琼表示會負責他的湯藥費,不料事後竟被新業主借故追討大筆賠償,幸好力亞機智,找出當中破綻,令小琼不用賠償。 結果,眾租戶不用被新業主加租,而思苦對力亞亦另眼相看。眾街坊為了慶功,更在民間法律中心舉行大食會。
May 30, 2011
不求伸冤 力亞疑惑
Season 1Episode 260 min

不求伸冤 力亞疑惑

攀附權貴 無奈失敗 放工後,芷芯與思苦在會所享受歡樂時光,芷芯向好友問及她母親店舖的租約問題,當芷芯得知業主願意續租後,不禁稱讚力亞寶刀未老,但思苦卻不以為然,更指是因為業主耍花招才令力亞有機可乘。當柏奇出現時,思苦急忙抓緊機會上前與他攀談,問他有關之前託博謙轉交的建議書,想不到這時卻有舊街坊送貨到此,更向思苦打招呼;思苦發現柏奇聽到街坊談到自己家中是賣魚蛋後,只露出苦笑…… 街坊木根 殺人被捕 力亞把貨車停在一旁與街坊閒聊時,突然傳來轟隆巨響,原來有東西自高處墮下,更穿過路邊攤簷篷把攤子壓爛;當力亞等走近時,卻發現原來是有一女子自高處墮下,胸口更被插上了一把刀。當周遭亂作一團時,力亞發現剛自大廈離開的老街坊黎木根望向自己,更突然向力亞說自己殺了人。 力亞與佐治陪同木根到警署落口供,木根坦白承認自己殺死了常秋萍,但他卻說是受到老闆娘馬卓爾德指使才行兇。 但當警方想進一步了解爾德如何指使木根,木根卻突然變得情緒失控不再合作;力亞與佐治離開警署時,聽到死者的弟弟春生激動地要求警方逮捕爾德,指她是主謀。力亞與佐治到春生的店舖探望他,春生向兩人說出爾德因誤會秋萍勾引她的丈夫,因此對秋萍作出各種騷擾,但事實是爾德丈夫馬生欲追求秋萍不遂;春生更把早前秋萍收到的恐嚇信交給力亞。另一方面,當傳媒得知命案與名媛爾德有關後,便不斷追訪她…… 當爾德被記者團團圍困時,思苦突然擋在爾德面前,出言教訓眾人;思苦隨爾德進入她的車內,更努力開解她,令爾德大感安慰。當車子回到爾德家時,警察出現欲請爾德回警署協助調查,爾德便即時聘請思苦成為自己的代表律師。案件正式在法庭審理,思苦遇見力亞,發現他衣衫不整,更傳來一陣口氣;案件進行時爾德因激動過度而暈倒,馬生到醫院探望太太,更詢問妻子是否需要公司的律師團協助,令思苦大為緊張。 力亞託友 調查真相 力亞與佐治往羈留所探望木根,力亞要他說出真相,但他卻努力維護爾德,令力亞大惑不解,而當力亞談到可通知木根在鄉下患病的妻子時,他突然激動起來。力亞與三位好友在茶檔吃東西時,要求畢直出手調查有關木根的事,畢直礙於朋友情義只得屈服。街坊在小琼的麵檔談到思苦不應助紂為虐幫助爾德,小琼不禁為了女兒與他們起爭執。思苦在街上遇見街坊,卻被他擲麵洩憤,力亞突然出現保護思苦。當收到木根在羈留所自殺的消息後,力亞與佐治立即趕往醫院探望。
May 31, 2011
各為其主 劍拔弩張
Season 1Episode 360 min

各為其主 劍拔弩張

作供說出 姐姐慘況 法庭再度開審,木根沒有出庭作證,思苦取笑力亞,指木根缺席聆訊,或會令陪審團認為他是畏罪自殺,但力亞卻鬆容地反駁她;當春生在法庭上作供時,春生說出姐姐並沒有與老闆馬生有任何不倫關係,只是馬生不斷追求她,但均被秋萍拒絕。 春生指爾德誤會秋萍,更約她見面指責她,之後秋萍更被來歷不明的電話及信件騷擾。當力亞盤問春生時,要求他說出秋萍的身世…… 思苦提出 打賭條件 思苦聽到春生形容的秋萍,竟與自己十分接近,也是家貧、父親早逝而需要支撐家庭,亦身兼數職苦讀大學,期望將來能改善家人生活,但對於馬生的物質利誘卻毫不動搖;另一方面,力亞發現一路聽春生作供的思苦,竟露出對死者同情的神情。晚上思苦與芷芯在高級餐廳吃飯時,聽到芷芯同情秋萍而指責好友,但卻反被芷芯道破她其實也同情死者。想不到這時力亞亦步進餐廳,看到力亞被眾人圍繞問候的風光場面,令思苦恨得牙癢癢…… 案件開審前,思苦與力亞在庭外遇上,思苦借力亞令她打翻咖啡之事,要求與他打賭,如她勝出官司,便要力亞將消失了七年之間所發生的事相告,力亞聽後不禁失笑,更直接問思苦是否對自己有意……思苦在法庭上引導爾德作供,爾德說出曾看見秋萍衣衫不整地離開丈夫的別墅,才主動約她見面,更打算以錢打發秋萍離開馬生;爾德說秋萍拒絕收下支票,更說會令馬生離婚。 但當力亞盤問爾德時,卻仗著詞鋒敏銳,令到思苦難以協助爾德;晚上力亞、佐治與家富三人在法律諮詢中心的天台邊調較天線,邊談論木根不肯上庭指證爾德的問題時,畢直突然現身,原來畢直不負眾望,終於查得有關木根太太的消息,發現她原來一直在香港,更留在私家醫院的高級病房中接受治療。 力亞與家富討論如何潛入醫院把木根太太帶走,佐治出言反對指罔顧木根太太性命,但力亞指早已將木根太太病歷交給專家醫生研究。 成功帶走 木根太太 佐治雖反對力亞的計畫,但卻不敢向畢直舉報兩人;而力亞得眾人幫助,成功帶木根太太離開私家醫院,但拖著病到街上時,卻發現貨車不翼而飛。得知木根太太被帶走,思苦雖不滿爾德隱瞞此事,但仍領著眾人到公立醫院欲將木根太太帶回私家醫院。 眾街坊得知木根太太到了香港,紛紛送贈補品卻被佐治婉拒。甦醒過來的木根太太待身體轉好,便到羈留所探望丈夫,並要求他說出真相。當聆訊進行時,木根因擔心太太的病況,竟在庭上激動地向爾德求助……
Jun 1, 2011
為民請命 受人愛戴
Season 1Episode 460 min

為民請命 受人愛戴

思苦良心 苦惱難安 與思苦一起合租房子的芷芯,早上看到思苦一臉倦容的走出客廳,便指她為了爾德是否真正有罪而心情煩躁,雖被好友說穿,但思苦仍死撐不肯承認。另一方面,力亞與三好友為法庭上成功令木根真情流露之事慶祝,但家富突然說出,翌日便是死者秋萍的生忌;眾人陪木根太太拜祭秋萍,但亦遇上了前來掃墓的春生。春生指明白木根是受人指使,但仍不可能原諒他;當眾人離開時,眼尖的力亞看到馬生的蹤影。 思苦得知 爾德性情 思苦與芷芯等候爾德的助理李佩筠載她們與爾德見面,但當佩筠到達後,卻因發現爾德欲上庭穿著的衣服欠了一顆鈕扣,便緊張得要求思苦她們自行探望爾德,而自己則回爾德家尋回鈕扣;思苦更因此從佩筠口中,得知爾德是個不喜歡別人犯錯,極嚴厲的人。馬生到羈留所探望妻子,但雙方卻只是冷淡地與對方傾談,馬生更提醒妻子不能讓人看見她的「真面目」,兩人發生爭執,更令爾德激動得把玻璃窗打破。 思苦與芷芯在外等候與爾德見面,亦因此聽到馬生與妻子吵架;當進入羈留室時,更看見被爾德敲破的玻璃窗。 思苦在辦公室聽取私家偵探有關對爾德的調查報告,偵探指原來替爾德工作的工人們都極害怕她,但終從一位已辭職的花王口中,問出了重要的證據;原來在案發當天,花王曾見神色慌張的佩筠自爾德書房離開。思苦與佩筠等一起再與爾德見面,而思苦更在爾德前說出了佩筠努力掩飾的秘密…… 爾德了解一切後,要求思苦安排自己與佩筠單獨見面;看到爾德的表現,思苦與芷芯也心中有數。爾德通知思苦,指佩筠答應替自己作證,並有機會替她還以清白。看到思苦在名店內瘋狂購物,芷芯只得努力勸止好友。 聽到芷芯說出自己對爾德是否清白的意見後,思苦卻坦言自己已欠下大量卡數,因此無論如何也不能讓官司輸掉。思苦回麵店探望母親,小琼向女兒談到木根的案情,更向她分享絕不會埋沒良心的做人哲學。 內外夾攻 真相大白 早上思苦與芷芯一起吃早餐時,芷芯得悉好友將決定棄暗投明而感高興,想不到馬生竟出現主動與思苦見面,更向她暗示如何處理爾德的案件。 思苦與芷芯在佩筠出庭前,與她談到說出真相的重要性,終令她在庭上說出自己的所見所聞。事情告一段落,佩筠在法庭外向思苦道謝,指自己在說出真相後感問心無愧。 力亞竟突然到麵店吃麵,更主動向思苦談及自己在七年前所勝出的案件……
Jun 2, 2011
佐治請求 力亞助婷
Season 1Episode 560 min

佐治請求 力亞助婷

思苦成功 更上一層 思苦到會所時,聽到一眾律師正談論有關爾德的案件;眾人不約同指不明白爾德為何聘請沒有名氣的思苦當辯護律師,思苦為了聽取別人對她的評價,特意駐足細聽……當眾人發表完意見後始發覺思苦原來一直在旁,都感到尷尬不已。想不到思苦沒有走到他們跟前,反而直接步上會所設於樓上的VIP樓層;侍應欲出言阻止,但思苦竟向他們表示已取得VIP卡,而眼見思苦成功上位的眾律師,不禁既妒且羡。 拒絕合作 氣煞思苦 思苦進入VIP樓層時遇上博謙與柏奇,博謙奇怪思苦竟出現,思苦坦言說約了馬生見面;柏奇向徒弟解釋思苦已成為馬氏集團的顧問律師,所以已聲價十倍,而柏奇更公開稱讚馬生是個厲害的老闆,因此他聘請了思苦,證明她是個有能力的人。 思苦得償所願,終可與柏奇一起喝酒,而席上柏奇突然向她表示有事相求,原來他想找一個有實力的人合作,思苦聽後不禁大喜過望…… 力亞與家富在茶檔吃麵時,突然看見思苦坐在自己的面前,不禁面面相覷;原來柏奇拜託思苦,請她邀約力亞與他見面;看到思苦一臉不忿的表情,力亞出言拒絕,結果惹來思苦連珠炮發,指力亞不識抬舉,最後更拂袖而去。衣衫不整的力亞出現在會所,侍應本欲阻止他進入,但得博謙替他解圍;力亞與柏奇見面,但兩人話不投機,柏奇雖以「桌球會友」,但力亞終以不合作的態度拒絕了柏奇的合作邀請。 思苦氣沖沖地走到理髮店,指責力亞錯失良機,更說有不少人期望有機會與柏奇合作,但力亞竟棄如敝屣;力亞說穿了是思苦欲與柏奇合作,思苦坦言承認,更說出了自己為何苦讀,希望能以知識改變命運的信念。佐治與家富代表中心到街上派飯盒給露宿者及有需要人士,但佐治卻認出有人接連排隊取飯,於是提醒家富;最後佐治發現原來失業了的第五婷,是為了兒女才去取飯盒。婷向小琼求工,但思苦卻提醒母親應有防人之心…… 佐治出手 助第五婷 佐治與思苦不約而同在法庭外再遇第五婷,更聽到她放棄讓律師協助;兩律師在庭內旁聽,發現婷被指控搶去前僱主的金錢,結果佐治見義勇為,成為了她的代表律師。婷到力亞的辦公室向眾人說出,原來她被突然辭退後,是把月餅券退回給老闆以取回的尾期工資。因擔心自己口吃的習慣連累婷,佐治要求力亞成為婷的代表律師,但卻被他拒絕。 另一方面,家富為了取回被搶奪的籌款箱而奮勇擒賊,卻被他的富豪父母看見。福元為免兒子再犯險,主動到中心提出捐款給家富,但當福元發覺兒子竟協助婷與自己打官司,不禁大為激動。
Jun 3, 2011
家富出庭 指證父親
Season 1Episode 660 min

家富出庭 指證父親

家富不滿 福元刻薄  家富駕車時竟以飛車發洩自己對父親的不滿,令坐在車中的力亞等人嚇個半死;力亞指責家富不理朋友生死,畢直替家富說好話,指他做人最為朋友著想;原來家富在讀書時便有機會在酒樓跟隨父親學習打理酒樓,但因他看到福元刻薄成性,把廚房工人辭退後竟不發薪水,於是看不過眼的家富而在晚上潛回酒樓爆竊,欲將薪水發還給眾人但事敗。家富被警方逮捕入獄,但福元竟沒有聘請律師幫助兒子。 佐治請求 力亞出手 畢直當時在羈留所遇見家富,看到他滿口歪理,出言指他犯法是「其身不正」,家富為此徹底反省,在獄中努力進修,成功當上了社工。畢直指原來福元以為兒子出獄後便只得承繼家業,想不到家富竟成為了社工,更多次替被福元剝削的員工出頭與父親對著幹,因此父子間的關係一直沒法改善;佐治聽到家富與父親間的問題後,苦笑指家富與自己也是註定讓父親失望的人…… 力亞在床上好夢正好酣時,突然被佐治弄醒;佐治以一把沙啞的聲音向力亞說出,他因通宵準備替婷上庭的文件而導致失聲,因此要求力亞代自己出庭。當力亞隨佐治到樓下後,原來一眾好友已在下面等候他,更出言要求佐治不要再耍小手段逃避上庭。案件開審,佐治於庭上緊張地不斷翻閱文件,弄得聲響大作;當佐治盤問福元時,竟將證人福元稱為犯人,之後更頻頻犯錯,惹來哄堂大笑。 休庭期間,力亞鼓勵好友應繼續嘗試,但佐治已對自己失去信心,最後只得由力亞代表他在庭上發言。力亞盤問婷時,成功讓大家得知婷情願努力工作也不願領綜援,以免對子女有不良影響的高尚情操。回到中心後,眾人發現婷不停打電話,原來她擔心自己可能入獄,因此欲致電給丈夫要他照顧一對子女及他的母親,可惜卻沒法聯絡上。家富於是使計騙梁風現身,但他竟只怪責妻子犯上官非,更借買煙遁走。 福元氣憤 毆打兒子 原來婷一直對家婆徐嬌隱瞞自己被酒樓辭退並惹上官非之事;徐嬌發現婷沒有買回自己想吃的水果,竟借機指責她,令婷忍不住流下淚來。徐嬌入睡後,婷教子女弄湯圓吃,但婷的大女兒說出知道母親可能入獄…… 案件再度開審,當力亞傳召家富出庭作供時,福元氣得當庭責罵兒子。家富在庭上坦言說出福元如何刻薄員工,強迫他們替酒樓銷售各式食品換領券;最終力亞替婷洗脫罪名還以清白。離開法庭時,福元竟出手毆打兒子,令妻子詠秋心絞痛發作。為了能改善與父親關係,家富特意製作潮式紅桃粿給福元吃,可惜無功而返。
Jun 6, 2011
當街搜身 利貞受辱
Season 1Episode 760 min

當街搜身 利貞受辱

家富幫助 無依清潔 家富帶領中心眾人推著鐵車到露宿者集中處,原來家富等人會定時安排讓露宿者清潔身體,並替他們理髮;看到同事沒法子勸服老露宿者沖身,家富除了好言相勸,更以食物打動他排隊清潔。 當眾露宿者整潔地享受中心安排的飯盒時,突然傳來一陣惡臭,一位滿身污垢的女露宿者出現,她更自稱自己是動畫人物「小忌廉」。家富勸她清潔時,她竟說不想改變形象而拒絕,更慌忙逃去。 佐治聘婷 皆大歡喜 家富擔心「小忌廉」有精神問題,於是與同事們一起去追截她;想不到小忌廉竟突然失控,更以香腸「要脅」其中一位同事。剛路過的婷發現家富等男同事沒法介入,於是主動與小忌廉攀談,兩人更一起在街上高唱動畫歌。事件順利解決,眾人在中心都稱讚婷的急才,佐治靈光一閃,提出法律諮詢中心可以聘請婷工作;當佐治問家富意見,家富坦言中心資源有限,但力亞這時說他將多接律師工作以幫補婷的薪水。 思苦與朋友在法國餐廳吃飯時,發現有食客與自己的舊同學何利貞十分相似;當思苦走上前時,更聽到利貞正稱讚外籍的餐廳老闆,便知眼前的人是自己的老同學。突然有食客高聲叫囂,餐廳老闆前往了解,原來食客投訴鄰桌痙攣人士的食相影響自己食慾,因此要求老闆把痙攣人士移到別處。當痙攣人士的母親提出欲與兒子離開時,利貞竟走到食客跟前斥責他,指他歧視殘障人士。 思苦與利貞相認後談及昔日事,原來當年內向的利貞曾被老師冤枉,思苦為了要替利貞討回公道,不惜致電到電台節目投訴,更與校長舌戰……思苦問回來香港的利貞有何打算,利貞說出母親在兩年前已過身,而她打算儲足本錢後便在港開設法國餐廳。 利貞向二手書檔老闆查詢有沒有法國菜食譜時,剛巧家富到書檔買字典給貧富學生;利貞聽後指可將自己的舊英文與法文字典相贈,兩人因此結識。 思苦發現 好友墮落 婷回到中心,向眾人訴苦說被誤會為妓女,眾街坊更指最近區內黃風氾濫;思苦受利貞所託到警署協助她,但卻發現原來是眾妓女於警方放蛇後被捕。思苦發現利貞成為了妓女,不其然與利貞疏遠起來。利貞與好友鳳在街上與北姑流鶯當街扭打,CID輝阻止眾人時,認為利貞挑釁自己,於是藉詞懷疑利貞藏有武器,特意當街搜身令利貞受辱。憤憤不平的利貞說要投訴輝,而鳳說出看見思苦目睹利貞被非禮經過。當利貞向思苦求助時竟被她拒絕,但這時力亞出現,更說有勝數能控告輝。
Jun 7, 2011
力亞醉後 自稱殺人
Season 1Episode 860 min

力亞醉後 自稱殺人

In fact, CHING and AH know each other. She invites him to her place. He understands she is still fighting for her dream. CHIT and FAI find out about the truth at last as they are patrolling the streets. SZ-FU meets up with CHING. She knows for the first time about her miserable past. CHING goes to a park to try to make peace with other sex workers. It happens that FAI is running after a thief. CHING joins him in the chase. SZ-FU and CHING have a drink and a talk on the seafront. SZ-FU asks CHING about AH. According to CHING, once when AH was tipsy he told him he had killed someone. Car mechanic KO WING-LEUNG calls AH, telling him he is accused of killing his younger sister, YAM YUEN-YUEN. GEORGE is busy with other business, so AH invites TING to act as a law clerk. YAM HO-TIN, LEUNG’s stepfather, has employed SZ-FU to be LEUNG’s defending lawyer. AH and SZ-FU have a dispute over how to defend for LEUNG.
Jun 8, 2011
新證出現 嫌疑驟增
Season 1Episode 960 min

新證出現 嫌疑驟增

GEORGE and KA-FU do not know much about LEUNG’s family background. AH tells TING to give them a picture. LEUNG and his mother WONG MEI-FUN have lived in Shum Shui Po for many years. YUEN-YUEN was the daughter of TIM and his former wife. In other words, LEUNG and YUEN-YUEN have no blood relation. GEORGE gives TING a lift home. He explains to her in the car the legal jargons she has come across. The prosecuting lawyer makes an application to produce fresh evidence. In his words, LEUNG had a crush on YUEN-YUEN. Love turned into hatred when he was turned down, and he killed her. SZ-FU wants to bet with AH again. He agrees unwittingly. KA-FU is enjoying his meal all by his lonesome when CHING appears. She encourages him to reconcile with his father. Some one pours chili oil on CHING when she is going home.
Jun 9, 2011
力亞說出 當年憾事
Season 1Episode 1060 min

力亞說出 當年憾事

TING meets up with YUEN-YUEN’s boyfriend CHOW KA-HO in order to find out about the truth of her death. AH and SZ-FU tell FUN what they have found. Leaving with no choice, FUN tells them what happened in the evening when YUEN-YUEN died. KA-FU asks CHIT to protect CHING. His girlfriend, SUSAN, is jealous to see them together. CHIT therefore tells CHING to go home on her own. Someone waits for her to come home and tosses acid on her. KA-FU dashes out to save her just in time, but his back is attacked. CHAU and YUEN are calling on KA-FU. As soon as he sees CHING, however, he passes her a packet of burn ointment then leaves. AH is unable to prove YUEN-YUEN’s death is an accident. SZ-FU has managed to persuade HO into acting as a witness. AH does not agree with how she plans to help LEUNG get away. In order to talk her into giving up her plan, he tells her how he was forced to leave the profession seven years ago.
Jun 10, 2011
回報作弄 思苦出招
Season 1Episode 1160 min

回報作弄 思苦出招

SZ-FU discusses her case with her family members. Her mother’s words enlighten her. AH, SZ-FU and TING look for evidence at TIN’s house again. TING discovers some broken pieces of glass on an oil painting. SZ-FU tells TIN they have only a slim chance of winning. He finally agrees to testify for his stepson. TING and others throw a celebration party at the center for AH and SZ-FU. Excited, AH spreads cream on SZ-FU’s face. GEORGE is surprised to see AH ironing a shirt. It turns out he is having dinner with SZ-FU. GEORGE goes to TING’s place for dinner, telling her AH and SZ-FU are engaged in another appointment. SZ-FU shows up in casual clothes, not expecting that AH will take her to an expensive restaurant. KA-FU gives CHING a lift home after movies, totally unaware that they will get involved in a gangster fight.
Jun 13, 2011
為討公義 披麻帶孝
Season 1Episode 1260 min

為討公義 披麻帶孝

CHING has fallen in love with KA-FU but she does not want to go any further with him. SZ-FU would like to help her, but then there is nothing she can do. KA-FU and TING visit an old lady called AUNTIE YIM. The police call and say that her granddaughter, MIU YEUK-LAI, has committed suicide. AUNTIE YIM refuses to believe it, claiming LAI would never kill herself. KA-FU discusses LAI’s case with AH in the evening. AUNTIE YIM calls and tells him LAI had once mentioned that her landlord was a retired high-ranking official. GEORGE is astonished to discover that LAI’s landlord is retired high court judge GEORGE MIKE, i.e. his father. Dressed in mourning for LAI, KA-FU protests at GEORGE MIKE’s door. Retired solicitor DELAN MA and SZ-FU, who is his pupil, call on GEORGE MIKE. With the assistance of SZ-FU, GEORGE MIKE manages to leave his house. YUEN is celebrating his 60th birthday……
Jun 14, 2011
不忿被騙 痛毆好友
Season 1Episode 1360 min

不忿被騙 痛毆好友

YUEN slaps YUEN on the face in anger. As if this is not enough, GEORGE gives him a severe beating when he is home. SZ-FU suspects GEORGE MIKE is hiding something about LAI’s death. She tells AH what she thinks. AH wants to gather more evidence at GEORGE MIKE’s house. He hopes GEORGE would do him a favor. On the other hand, SZ-FU goes to GEORGE MIKE’s house with the excuse to get him some clean clothes. AH shows GEORGE some fresh evidence, adding that GEORGE MIKE and LAI may have been lovers. GEORGE tells his father he has written to the Department of Justice to call for a hearing on LAI’s death. After testifying in court, GEORGE MIKE apologizes to AUNTIE YIM. AH points out in his turn that it is very likely that LAI was murdered.
Jun 15, 2011
思苦柏奇 庭上較量
Season 1Episode 1460 min

思苦柏奇 庭上較量

AH adds that LAI’s death is full of suspicious points. YEUNG KWOK-KUI, LAI’s husband, is leaving the court when police officers from Serious Crime Unit show up and invite him to the police station. KEI is KUI’s representing lawyer. With the help of KUI’s maid, CHIT and his team find a piece of important evidence at his place. The Department of Justice invites SZ-FU to be the prosecuting lawyer of LAI’s case. KUI is brought to court. KEI makes it hard for SZ-FU. In order to seek AH’s help, SZ-FU tries her best to please him. CHING slips in the rain as she is trying to keep a distance from KA-FU. KA-FU carries her home on his back. She tells him how she was hurt in her previous relationship. AH and SZ-FU visit AUNTIE YIM. LAI’s son tells them how his father had beaten his mother. Meanwhile, KEI shows up out of the blue, claiming LAI’s son will act as a prosecuting witness.
Jun 16, 2011
力亞暗中 幫助思苦
Season 1Episode 1560 min

力亞暗中 幫助思苦

GEORGE is working overtime. TING offers to cook him something before she goes home. GEORGE mistakenly believes she has a crush on him. SZ-FU and AH have invited KUI’s neighbor, PO, to serve as a witness in court. KEI concludes that PO’s testimony is unreliable. KUI confesses having sneaked into LAI’s home on the day before she died, rather than on the day the tragedy happened. SZ-FU and AH go to LAI’s place to gather information. They notice some paints on the roof. With a view to proving KUI’s words, they decide to find out who spilled the paint. KEI invites MR. YIP, who is an unlicensed doctor, to testify for KUI. KEI’s concluding statement is nearly perfect. Not unexpectedly, the jury returns a verdict of manslaughter.
Jun 17, 2011
為追劫匪 當街裸跑
Season 1Episode 1660 min

為追劫匪 當街裸跑

KUI has been found guilty of manslaughter but not murder. AH cheers SZ-FU up, taking their relationship a big step further. A sex worker working at the same building as CHING has been robbed by a customer. KA-FU hopes that she would quit but she will not listen. Someone invites AH to join his law firm in Central, the central business district of Hong Kong as well as where he used to work. SZ-FU and other friends encourage him to take the offer. HA gives it some thoughts, and makes up his mind to accept the invitation. CHING is meeting up with KA-FU. When she is about to leave her flat, she notices something wrong with FUNG’s room. It turns out FUNG has been robbed and hit to a faint by her customer. The man orders CHING to take off her clothes. Covering her body in a towel, CHING runs after him. YUEN and CHAU are shocked to see CHING, who is half naked. Later, handing her a check, the couples requests CHING to leave KA-FU……
Jun 20, 2011
婷持菜刀 被控傷人
Season 1Episode 1760 min

婷持菜刀 被控傷人

TING and GEORGE save MRS. CHEUNG and take her to the Civic Legal Center. TING tells MRS. CHEUNG her past so as to cheer her up. GEORGE gives TING a ride home. Her husband, LEUNG FUNG, calls. She then tells GEORGE in tears what has happened. TING has fallen asleep when they get to where she lives. He kisses her. FUNG happens to be around. He takes a photo of scene on the sly. TING has a fierce argument with FUNG when she is home. She is later accused of injuring FUNG with a kitchen knife. FUNG blackmails GEORGE with the photo and then gives beats him up. The prosecutor presents the photo of GEORGE kissing TING in court. TING is taken aback. Everybody is surprised by GEORGE’s eloquent delivery as he confesses his secret admiration for TING. On the other hand, AH visits TSUI KIU.
Jun 21, 2011
力亞思苦 理念不同
Season 1Episode 1860 min

力亞思苦 理念不同

TING has been found not guilty. She thanks GEORGE for his help. AH takes KIU and TING’s children to see her. CHIT has been recently dumped by SUSAN. CHING goes to dim sum with him. WONG CHI-KIN and his friends demand that HO TAI-KEUNG and his friends, who came earlier, to give up their seats. The two parties are soon ready to fight. CHIT stops them. KEUNG is waiting for his friends in a car park when he sees KIN on his own. They have a fight. KIN is found breathless when the security guard and the police arrive. LAW PING-HEI has hired AH and SZ-FU as his representing lawyers. Like HEI, the other three customers also come from wealthy families, and they have hired KEI and his pupils to represent them. KEI would like to work with SZ-FU, proposing to shift all the blame on to KEUNG.
Jun 22, 2011
好友慘死 思苦傷痛
Season 1Episode 1960 min

好友慘死 思苦傷痛

Coincidentally, AH, GEORGE, KA-FU and CHIT have all recently broken up with their girlfriends. They chill out at AH’s place. SZ-FU cannot be more astonished the next day when HEI’s parents tell them they do not need her anymore. CHING is opening up a French restaurant. A wine cellar agrees to let part of his shop area to her. CHING discusses the contract details with the wine cellar owner. CHING has worked out how to design her restaurant. CHIT takes photographs of her design plan so that he can show KA-FU. Encouraged by TING, KA-FU asks for the permission of his parents for going out with CHING again. CHING is measuring her restaurant. She sees KEI talking to a man, acting rather stealthily. She takes a photograph of them then leaves. She calls KA-FU as soon as she returns to the street. KA-FU finds it odd that their conversation breaks down suddenly……
Jun 23, 2011
力亞中計 職權被撤
Season 1Episode 2060 min

力亞中計 職權被撤

CHING’s case is heard today. AH tries his best to prove that KEI is responsible for CHING’s death but KEI makes things very difficult for him. AH takes out a photograph of HO YAU-FOOK, father of KEUNG. Back to the detention center, KEI gives HIM and SZ-FU a good telling-off. HIM tells SZ-FU why KEI cares so much about his stick as they leave. SZ-FU goes to KEI’s place to take some clothes for him. She grasps the opportunity to find out more about the case. After overhearing SZ-FU’s phone conversation with HIM, AH goes to where CHING was found seriously injured to look for clues. The trial continues. The judge calls for a recess, as AH has presented some fresh evidence. SZ-FU believes AH is using the fresh evidence to frame up KEI, resulting in the judge’s decision to depose AH as prosecuting lawyer. KEI is very satisfied with SZ-FU’s performance. He gives her a hint about the hiding place of the real evidence……
Jun 24, 2011

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