Molly and Mack - Season 5

Molly and Mack - Season 5

Season 5

DatesOct 31, 2022 - Nov 21, 2022
Previous Season


Forever Friends
Season 5Episode 115 min

Forever Friends

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the friendship necklace and remembers the day she got it. 

It's Molly's first day running the toy stall with Mack, but she is taken aback when Suki reveals that it is her last day at the Big Hub. 

Meanwhile, a pregnant Alice meets the two newest stallholders, Kez and Ayesha, and gives them a few top tips for dealing with Big Hub manager, Moira. 

Molly decides that Suki should have a goodbye party and sets about organising it. She meets Kez and Ayesha, who are playing loud music as they set up their stall, and asks them to supply some music for the party. When Molly finally gets a chance to talk to Suki about leaving, Suki reveals she doesn't want a fuss, as she's just going to help out at the animal sanctuary more and will still be around. Molly starts to think a party might be a step too far and tries to undo her planning. 

Suki gives Molly a present and they both promise to stay friends forever. As Suki leaves, all the Hubbers give her a very special Big Hub goodbye.

Oct 31, 2022
Molly's Stall
Season 5Episode 215 min

Molly's Stall

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the toilet roll frog and remembers the day she got it. Magnus is worried about his little brother Lennox joining the Kids Club, and he wants him to get on with everyone. Lennox isn't worried though - he just wants to talk about jungle animals. Molly is having some sibling problems of her own as Mack is too busy fixing toys to listen to her great ideas for his stall. 

Molly reassures Magnus that James will help Lennox settle in tells Magnus to relax. Magnus thanks her for the advice. This gives Molly an idea – she'll set up an advice stall. At the Kids Club, Lennox's antics are still worrying Magnus, but James shows him how everyone is really interested in Lennox's animal facts. Everyone in the Kids Club is making toilet roll frogs and it's all thanks to Lennox inspiring them. 

Meanwhile, Molly's advice causes more problems than it solves. A deflated Molly tells Magnus the advice stall didn't quite work out. He tells her that she got one piece of advice right: Lennox is absolutely fine at the Kids Club! He didn't need to worry at all.

Oct 31, 2022
Mish Mash Mosh
Season 5Episode 315 min

Mish Mash Mosh

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the squidgy magic ball and remembers the day she got it. Mack is helping Kez with her boxes, but Moira says they need to be moved out of the way. Kez tries to distract her with a magic trick, but Moira insists the boxes need to be gone. 

At the Kids Club, Caitlin is trying to do a magic trick with Euan, but her disappearing-the-ball trick doesn't quite work. Ayesha arrives and does the trick properly, using the magic words ‘mish mash mosh'. Caitlin decides they're not going to play magic anymore. Instead, they will play a game. She decides that Ayesha and Euan can play castle guards who don't speak. 

Mack suggests to Kez that they use the boxes to help Caitlin with her game, and she creates an amazing castle. When Caitlin arrives at the gate, she finds she can't get in without a password. Euan and Ayesha know the password but can't reveal it as they're not allowed to speak. Caitlin and Ayesha need to work together to figure it out. 

Later, Moira is pleased to see the boxes have gone but has to laugh when she finds where Mack and Kez have put them. 

Oct 31, 2022
The Wrong Robot
Season 5Episode 415 min

The Wrong Robot

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the ‘boss' badge and remembers the day she got it. Mack has to go to the dentist and leaves Molly in charge of the stall. Mrs Stewart wants to buy Euan a thanks you present for helping her, so Molly sells her a toy robot. When Mack arrives back, he tells her that the robot was not for sale and that he was fixing it for Euan. Molly sees the remote control for the robot and has a plan to follow the sound of the robot in order to track it down. 

Meanwhile, Mrs Stewart is happily shopping around the Big Hub with the robot in her trolley. As the robot starts making loud, alarming announcements, panic spreads amongst the Hubbers. Where is the mysterious voice coming from? Soon Molly and Mack find the robot and reveal what's going on, much to everyone's relief and amusement. 

Oct 31, 2022
The Second First Date
Season 5Episode 515 min

The Second First Date

Caitlin wants to make Daisy and Mack's anniversary perfect. When the other kids are roped in to help, the second first date doesn't go quite as Caitlin imagined.

Oct 31, 2022
The Stall Inspection
Season 5Episode 615 min

The Stall Inspection

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the wobbly coffee pot mug and remembers the day she got it. Moira reads a bad online review of the Big Hub and worries that if word gets out, it will have to close. The review describes Kez's stall as messy, so Moira decides to hold a stall inspection to sort things out. Although Molly loves the creative chaos of Kez's stall, she agrees to help Kez tidy up before the inspection. Moira arrives for her inspection of Kez's stall, and despite the stall being spotless, one Hub rule is broken, so Kez's stall must close for the day. Meanwhile, Molly has an idea which could help Kez. As Moira inspects all the other stalls, she finds the same rule has been broken by everyone, including herself. Molly helps Moira realise that, unless she wants to close down all the stalls, she will have to rethink some of her rules.

Nov 7, 2022
The Very Scary Scarecrow
Season 5Episode 715 min

The Very Scary Scarecrow

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the 'Very Berry Delights' pot and remembers the day she got it. Bob has a big order from Mrs Juniper for berries, but the birds keep stealing them from his allotment and he's about to run out! Meanwhile, Mrs Juniper is proudly selling her 'Very Berry Delights' in little pots. Moira's too busy to have one as she's having a clearout. Just as she's about to recycle some old clothes, Kez approaches and says she will find a use for them. Ruby has an idea to help Bob's berry crisis - they should make a scarecrow! They soon realise that they need clothes for it, so James asks Kez if she has anything suitable and she gives him the box of Moira's old clothes. Later, at the allotment, the scarecrow is ready - until Bob and James realise the scarecrow is wearing Moira's old clothes and looks exactly like her. They aren't too worried as she never comes to the allotment. Back at the Big Hub, Moira has finally found time to sit down for a 'Very Berry Delight', but they are all sold out and Mrs Juniper is awaiting more berries. Moira decides to go and find out what the delay is. She heads for Bob's allotment, only to come face to face with a scarecrow that looks very familiar - it's her! Fortunately, she loves scarecrow Moira and thinks she'll be perfect to scare the birds away.

Nov 7, 2022
Monster Grump
Season 5Episode 815 min

Monster Grump

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the tub of blue slimy stuff and remembers the day she got it. Caitlin is in her new den, but she's in a bit of a grump and doesn't want to share it with anyone. When Euan, Ruby and Ayesha try to get in, she becomes an even bigger grump. Ruby has dropped a book about monsters and this gives Caitlin an idea - she's going to pretend her den has a monster to scare the others away! Meanwhile, Moira is trying to track down a different kind of monster - a biscuit snaffling one. She asks Bob to put a camera up in her office to find out who has been eating all her biscuits. Caitlin tells everyone about the monster. His name is Grump, and he oozes blue slimy stuff. Ayesha is very sceptical, so Caitlin borrows a tub of blue slimy stuff from Mack's stall and smears it all around Moira's office. She calls Ayesha in to see the slime as evidence of Grump's existence, but Ayesha remains suspicious. Moira and Bob look through the camera footage to find the elusive biscuit snaffler. As they do, they not only discover the culprit but also see footage of Caitlin smearing the blue slimy stuff everywhere. Caitlin has to come clean and apologise to Ayesha, Ruby and Euan.

Nov 7, 2022
Season 5Episode 915 min


Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the gift bow and remembers the day she got it. It's Mack's birthday, but he's a little disappointed as it appears that everyone has forgotten, even James. Of course, James does have a surprise planned for later, but he and Molly are keeping it a secret from him for now. Mack is convinced Dad won't forget and recruits Caitlin to help him find out if any special plans are afoot. James's surprise for Mack is a little delayed, but Caitlin overhears him on the phone talking about a special delivery. She rushes to tell Mack; it must be for him. Later, in the cafe, the special delivery arrives and Mack thinks it's for him. When James steps forward and says the package is for the baby, Mack walks away upset; it seems Dad has forgotten his birthday after all. At the Kids Club, Caitlin tells James that Mack is upset. James, Alice and Molly find Mack at the beach, and Mack confesses he was worried that, with the new baby, his dad might have been distracted. James tells him nothing will ever change how important he is and gives Mack a very special birthday surprise.

Nov 7, 2022
The Waste Coat
Season 5Episode 1015 min

The Waste Coat

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the bottle-top bowtie and remembers the day she got it. Kez has had another idea - a trash fashion range, and Bob is helping her by bringing in boxes of old clothes. She repays him with a 'waste coat' - a waistcoat made entirely out of stuff most people would throw away. Kez is sure that, with Bob wearing it around the Big Hub, it will be a great advert for her range. There's just one problem: Bob really doesn't like it. Over at the Kids Club, Ayesha is showing her mum's accessories to her friends. The kids are inspired and want to make their own. James has to try and find the right materials so asks Mack for help. Mack only has a box of broken toys, but James thinks they might work. Bob tries to dispose of the 'waste coat' when he thinks Kez isn't looking, but she sees him and is a little upset and takes it back. Bob feels awful and tells Molly what has happened. Molly has an idea - to put on a special 'trash' fashion show, featuring Kez's clothes, to make it up to her. Bob thinks it's brilliant and they get to work. James distracts Kez by asking her to help the kids make accessories out of the broken toys while everyone gets the fashion show ready. Later, the kids model Kez's designs, and she is delighted. When Molly realises there's no-one to model the 'waste coat', Bob steps onto the catwalk and struts his stuff. The trash fashion show is a huge success.

Nov 7, 2022
The Delivery
Season 5Episode 1115 min

The Delivery

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the baby bookmark and remembers the day she got it. Alice is in the Wobbly Coffee Pot with Molly when she feels that her baby might be on its way. Moira and Mrs Juniper are alarmed, but a calm Molly goes to find James. At the Kids Club, the children are planning to make a 'Welcome to the Big Hub' card for the baby. Molly arrives looking for James, who has gone into town. Mack goes to find him, and the kids realise they're going to have to sort the card out themselves. Mack tracks down James and they rush back to the Hub, just in time for the delivery. Kez presents the finished card from the Kids Club children, as the new baby is welcomed into the world.

Nov 14, 2022
Guess the Baby's Name
Season 5Episode 1215 min

Guess the Baby's Name

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the glitter pen and remembers the day she got it. Everyone at the Big Hub wants to know one thing - what's the new baby's name? Alice and James are coming in to announce it later, and Molly and Mack have been sworn to secrecy. Caitlin decides she's going to hold a 'guess the baby's name' competition. The prize is glitter pens from the Kids Club. Bob overhears Daisy and Molly talking about how perfect the name Princess Sugar Plum is. Later, he can't help but spill the beans to Moira and Mrs Juniper, who are both taken aback by the name choice for the baby. Caitlin overhears Moira telling Kez the name and is excited to think she will win the competition with her 'guess'. Alice and James arrive with the baby and are surprised to discover that everyone already knows the name - or think they do. There is much confusion until James and Alice reveal the baby's actual name. She's been named after Mrs Juniper. James asks her to be the baby's godmother and she graciously accepts.

Nov 14, 2022
Moira Takes Charge
Season 5Episode 1315 min

Moira Takes Charge

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the empty pickle jar and remembers the day she got it. Moira's plan to relax with a nice cup of tea at the Wobbly Coffee Pot is spoiled when she discovers Mrs Juniper is going to visit her sister and is closing the cafe for the day. When Moira offers to take charge, Mrs Juniper agrees. Moira is keen to put her stamp on the Wobbly Coffee Pot, and something Mack says sparks an idea. They will start deliveries. Magnus isn't sure of this plan because he knows Mrs J's customers like the cafe just the way it is. Bob is called upon to help with the deliveries after the promise of a cheese and pickle roll is made to him. Soon, all the Hubbers are involved in answering the phones as Moira's delivery idea really takes off. When the Big Hub starts to resemble a call centre, Magnus has to put his foot down. Moira realises what she's done, just as Mrs Juniper returns. Everyone helps to put the cafe back to how it was, and a hungry Bob finally gets his cheese and pickle roll.

Nov 14, 2022
Jungle Day
Season 5Episode 1415 min

Jungle Day

Lennox is helping at the Wobbly Coffee Pot and decides to make jungle animal sandwiches. After hearing tales of her travels, Ruby thinks of a way to bring the jungle to Alice.

Nov 14, 2022
The World's Greatest Granny
Season 5Episode 1515 min

The World's Greatest Granny

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's Stall. She chooses the lock of purple hair and remembers the day she got it. Caitlin wants to play with her granny, but Moira is too busy. Later at Alice's stall, Magnus is buying a 'World's Greatest Granny' mug and tells Caitlin how fun and cool his granny is - she has purple hair. Moira overhears this but walks away before hearing Caitlin say that her granny is the greatest granny too. At the Wobbly Coffee Pot, Mrs Juniper is getting Bob, Sandy and Magnus to help her make a new display. Moira tells Kez she'd like to be a cooler granny, and Kez offers to give Moira a makeover. Then, Moira goes off to show Caitlin her new outfit and purple hair. Moira arrives at Kids Club, but to her surprise, Caitlin - who's busy making a top secret gift for her granny - seems unimpressed by Moira's new look. The kids go to the cafe, where Mrs Juniper is pleased with her new display. Moira arrives, and trying to be fun, throws a ball to Caitlin. It misses and knocks over the display. Caitlin is upset and runs to the Kids Club. Moira apologises to Caitlin, who shows Moira what she was making earlier - a badge that says 'Caitlin's Greatest Granny'.

Nov 14, 2022
The Hairy Donkey
Season 5Episode 1615 min

The Hairy Donkey

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the little toy donkey and remembers the day she got it. 

Molly and Mack are visiting Daisy at the vet's when she gets a call from Mrs Anderson. Daisy seems a little stressed by this, so Molly and Mack decide to follow her to the farm to find out what's going on. 

At the Kids Club, Moira finds Lennox's jokes hilarious, but unfortunately not James's. James takes this as a challenge - he must make Moira laugh. 

Back at the farm, Mrs Anderson tells Daisy about Thistle, her donkey, who has something stuck in her hoof. Hiding nearby, Molly and Mack watch, confused at how nervous Daisy is with Thistle. Her subsequent sneezing fit leaves Molly and Mack even more mystified. 

James's finest puns are having no effect on Moira. Mack tries to get Daisy to talk about what's going on. Molly soon realises what could be wrong with Daisy, and she decides they need to do some research. 

At the Wobbly Coffee Pot cafe, James finally finds a way of making Moira laugh. 

Molly thinks she knows what is up with Daisy, and she and Mack go back to the farm to help. Daisy confesses what her problem is with Thistle. She's allergic to donkeys but was too embarrassed to say. Mrs Anderson reveals that she has a similar problem with her Highland cow, and Daisy doesn't need to be embarrassed at all. Mrs Anderson suggests Daisy wear a mask, and soon Daisy can fix Thistle's hoof. 

Nov 21, 2022
The Baby Whisperer
Season 5Episode 1715 min

The Baby Whisperer

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the homemade beard and remembers the day she got it. 

James, Alice and Molly are exhausted because baby Maddy won't sleep. They think they've tried everything, but Molly points out they haven't tried Bob. Bob sings a lullaby, and it seems to work despite Moira nearly ruining things by using her loud vacuum cleaner nearby. 

Meanwhile, Mack is helping at the Kids Club. Ruby, Euan and Ayesha decide to try to grow a beard. When that doesn't work, they make their own beards. Mack makes one too and looks a bit like Bob. 

At the cafe, everyone is enjoying the silence until Molly knocks a jug over and wakes Maddy up. Desperate to get her back to sleep, Molly convinces Alice and James to imitate Bob. They put on their best Bob voices and sing the lullaby, but to no avail. When Molly sees Mack walking past with his Bob beard, she has an idea. 

Soon everyone has a Bob beard and sings to the baby, but Maddy keeps screaming. When Bob arrives back at the Hub, he has another go at singing, but nothing works. Molly finally realises that it wasn't the singing or the beards that were making Maddy sleep, but something else at the Big Hub. Soon Maddy is sound asleep.

Nov 21, 2022
Mack's Challenge
Season 5Episode 1815 min

Mack's Challenge

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the important letter and remembers the day she got it. 

Mack is surprised to get a letter telling him he's got a place on a music and performing arts course, as he didn't apply. He would need to act and dance as well as sing, and he doesn't think he can do either. Molly decides to challenge him to do both. 

At the Kids Club, Caitlin thinks Ruby is copying her when they are reading the same book and having the same snack. James reassures her that it's just a coincidence. 

Molly shows Mack some moves to help with his dance challenge. Then they try a miming challenge, which Mack excels at. When he takes on the acting challenge, he finds himself playing an alien who speaks a language called Bootle-Barp. With Molly's help, Mack realises he can act and dance - or at least have a go - and he's really enjoyed it. 

Caitlin and Ruby have decided to use their copying to have a little fun with James. When he admires a picture Caitlin's drawn, Ruby shows him her picture – it's exactly the same. James is confused until he realises they're playing a trick on him. 

When Mack tells Daisy and Molly he will go to college, they are both excited for him. However, Molly then realises the implications – the end of their stall.

Nov 21, 2022
Kez's Big Idea
Season 5Episode 1915 min

Kez's Big Idea

Molly examines her shelf of special things at the back of Mack's stall. She chooses the carrot carrier and remembers the day she got it. 

Mack and Daisy are doing a big clear-out before Mack goes to college. Moira suggests they hold a pop-up jumble sale at the Big Hub. Meanwhile, Kez is trying to sell her latest big idea – carrot carriers. 

Molly spots some curtains that remind her of their childhood in the jumble sale and asks Mack if they can keep them. He puts them aside. However, when Moira sees the curtains, she thinks they've fallen off the stall and puts them back in with the rest of the jumble. 

Ayesha arrives at the Kids Club, showing off her mum's invention. But Euan and Caitlin don't see them as carrot carriers – to them they are mini sleeping bags. Kez loves the idea and is inspired to make more. She goes to find special material to do this, spies the curtains amongst the jumble and buys them from Daisy. 

When Mack comes back to the stall, he, Daisy and Moira realise what has happened and dash to Kez's stall, but it's too late – the curtains have been cut up. Molly is sad, but Kez, Daisy and Moira find a brilliant way to make amends. 

Nov 21, 2022
Goodbye Molly and Mack
Season 5Episode 2015 min

Goodbye Molly and Mack

It's Molly and Mack's last day in the Big Hub. They both tell each other that they don't want a goodbye party, but they really do. Caitlin has big plans, and a great time is had by all. 

Nov 21, 2022

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