Secret Life of the Hospital Bed - Season 1

Season 1


Episode 1
In Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, two-year-old Nicholas has been rushed in by ambulance because he is struggling to breathe. Resus bed two is waiting for him, and with respiratory problems being the fifth most common cause of death in children, the clock is ticking and the staff must react quickly.
In Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital Day Surgery Unit, bed 52 is waiting for 63-three-year-old security guard Eddy to come in for his hernia operation. He is hoping the operation will change his life and enable him to be more active. With girlfriend of 11 months Shirley there for support, Eddy is hoping he will be able to return home on the same day - but will he recover in time?
Back in Newcastle's busy A&E department, bed nine is ready for 73-year-old Sandra, who has been rushed in by ambulance with her daughter Alexis after her speech became slurred. The doctors are worried that Sandra might have had a stroke, and she becomes emotional as the reality of failing health hits her hard.
Over in the Maternity Unit at Romford's Queen's Hospital, 32-year-old Mehvish has joined maternity bed seven to give birth to her second child. At her side is husband Muhammad. There were complications with the birth of their first child, which could have left their son disabled, and the couple are anxious that the same could happen again.

Episode 2
The Royal Victoria Infirmary A&E in Newcastle sees over 2,000 people a week. A&E bed nine has been busy all morning and is about to meet 79-year-old Maria. She has had a bad fall at home and may have broken her nose.
Over in the Queen's Hospital in Romford, bed seven in the maternity unit has welcomed 36-year-old Tori, who is having a planned caesarean section. The birth of her first child was very traumatic and lasted for three days, so she is hoping this one will go more smoothly.
Newcastle's Great North Children's Hospital is one of 14 specialist children's centres in the UK, and eight-year-old Mason is being looked after in one of the beds. He has been in and out of hospital over the last four years with a condition that causes pressure on his brain. This time the illness has resulted in him having a seizure.
In Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital's Day Surgery Unit, bed 32 is playing host to hospital employee Antony. He has come in to have a double hand operation after an accident. Usually patients opt to have only one hand done at a time, but Anthony is keen to get his life back to normal as soon as possible.

Episode 3
Queen Elizabeth's hospital in Birmingham is home to over 1,200 hospital beds. Bed 81 in the Day Surgery Unit has been joined by 52-year-old bricklayer Chris, who's come in for an operation to check if his skin cancer has spread. At his bedside for moral support and hoping for good news is Geraldine, his partner of 33 years.
In the north east, Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary is facing a busy day. With more than 40 beds and six specialist resus beds in the A&E department, resus bed 5 is on standby. 65-year-old David has been rushed in with suspected Sepsis. Sepsis can kill, so within minutes of being on the hospital bed, doctors rush to give David the potentially lifesaving treatment. David's life hinges on whether it's been caught in time.
At the Great North's Children's Hospital an average of 100 patients arrive each day at the Paediatrics Emergency Department. Bed 27 greets six-month-old Ehtesham, who has been rushed in by ambulance, after his mum and grandparents noticed a serious rash all over his body.
On bed 7 in Romford's Queen's Hospital Maternity Unit, Blessing and partner Kassim are expecting their first baby together. Blessing is determined to have her baby naturally, but her waters have broken early and are discoloured, which can be a sign that the baby is in distress.
The busy day in Newcastle's A&E continues when landscape gardener Peter is rushed in after having an accident with a chainsaw. He no longer has full sensation in his fingers.

Episode 4
At Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, the Day Surgery Unit sees a high proportion of elderly patients. Bed 23 is ready for retired builder, 73-year-old Peter, who has come in with his daughter Wendy. Peter is having a biopsy because doctors are worried that his prostate cancer may have spread to his bladder.
Over in the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle paediatric bed 27 is ready to see its next patient. Nine-year-old Sonny has come in with mum Julie, with a suspected broken finger after trying to save a ball at a summer camp football match. He's got a football tournament at the weekend and is worried he won't be able to compete.
In the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle, the A&E department is under pressure. 37-year-old Kenza has been brought through to bed 9. Over the last six months he's rapidly lost the use of his right arm and leg, which is affecting his ability to be an active dad with his three-year-old son. Wife Dawn is at his side, and with symptoms worsening, they are concerned about what the future holds.
Back in the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle, paediatric bed 27 is having a busy day. It's next patient is 11-year-old Neci who has been brought in by her mum Sharon, with a lump on her elbow after banging it on a metal table at school. Neci seriously damaged her elbow when she was two, so mum Sharon is concerned the knock has aggravated the old injury.

Episode 5
In Birmingham's largest hospital, the Queen Elizabeth, 67-year-old farmer Stephen has arrived with his wife Patricia. Bed 32 in Day Surgery is ready to greet him so he can have much-needed surgery on his leg. Steven hopes an operation will help him walk again, but he is showing symptoms of angina, and surgery won't go ahead unless his heart is strong enough.
The Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle is one of the biggest paediatric hospitals in the UK. Bed 27 meets it's next young patient, 12-year-old Daniel, who has fallen over at school and may have broken his wrist. He's been brought in by his mum Hilary and is worried that he might need surgery.
It is a busy day at the A&E Department in Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, and with a four-hour target to get beds turned around, the hospital staff are under pressure. Bed nine is looking after former model agent 78-year-old Liz, who fears she's broken her ribs. Having fallen over at home she's in serious pain and has been brought in with husband of 50 years Max.
Forty-year-old chef Turan is the next patient in bed nine at Newcastle's A&E. He's been assaulted and has head and neck pain but isn't keen to wait around for the treatment.
Over in Resus, bed two is prepped and ready for its next critical patient. An unidentified and unconscious woman has been rushed in by ambulance. She's been drinking and may have a bleed on her brain, meaning her condition could deteriorate rapidly.

Episode 6
The day surgery unit at Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital treats around 100 patients every day. Bed 40 is allocated to mum of two Lisa, who aged just 44 is having a new battery fitted to her pacemaker. She was born with a heart defect which, if undiscovered, would have caused a fatal heart attack.
Bed 15 in Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary welcomes 28-year-old Lee, who has bite marks from a night out. His eight-year-old son Mason is a regular visitor to The Great North Children's Hospital because he has an ongoing condition with pressure on his brain. Mason and mum Michaela provide bed support.
In the Great North's Children's Hospital, bed 27 welcomes a four-year-old who has recently been extremely ill. Parents Sarah and Mark have rushed young Thean to the emergency department with stomach pain. Less than a month ago his life was at risk when he suffered a life-threatening bowel blockage and they are worried that the same thing has happened again.
Back in Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary A&E department, 30-year-old Emma arrives with a numb feeling in her arms and face. Doctors check for any critical illnesses such as a stroke, MS or pressure on the brain.
In the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle, bed 27's next patient is seven-year-old Brandon. His face has swollen after being hit by a swing. Doctors fear he may have broken his cheek bone.

Episode 7
It's a busy day at the maternity unit in Romford's Queen's Hospital. Bed 7 has been joined by Shola who is 49-years-old. Shola and her husband have wanted children for two decades and they are now expecting triplets. She's considered a high risk pregnancy because of her age and because of it being a multiple birth.
At the Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary, A&E bed 9 is ready for its next occupant. Stuart has been involved in a serious car crash. He was a passenger with his friend Tom who was driving and he's concerned that he may have damaged his right lung.
Over at the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle, paediatric bed 27 in the emergency department is getting ready to meet seven-year-old Oliver who has been brought to A&E by his mum and older sister Stacey. He's fallen off his bike and his mum is worried that he may have broken his ankle.
Back at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, minor injuries bed 12 is about to see its next patient, 21-year-old James. He's come to A&E with girlfriend Mellissa with a suspected broken finger after playing rugby.
Bed 27 in Newcastle's the Great North Children's Hospital greets ten-year-old Bobby has been brought in by his mum having fallen over when walking his two dogs and gashed his head on some rocks. With any head injury there could be risk of internal bleeding, so the hospital's medical staff have to make sure Bobby is thoroughly checked over.

Episode 8
In Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, A&E bed 9 is ready to meet 36-year-old cyclist Chris, who has been hit by a car that crossed his path on a busy junction in the city centre. He's in a lot of pain and needs to be sent to X-Ray immediately to find out what damage has been done.
Also based in Newcastle is The Great North Children's Hospital. It has a dedicated A&E department and the most critically ill children are brought straight to the resus area. Resus bed 2 is ready to receive one of its tiniest patients. Baby Calvin has been rushed in by ambulance with mum Laura. He's fighting for breath, and for his life.
At the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, bed 32 in the day surgery unit is ready to welcome Annamarie. She has agonising pain in her knee, and needs surgery to repair the cartilage. Annamarie owns a cleaning business and looks after her husband Andrew. She's desperate to get back on her feet and be pain free.
Over at Newcastle's The Great Northern Children's Hospital, bed 27 in the paediatric emergency and assessment unit is looking after five-year-old Harshil, who has been admitted because he has a small ball stuck in his ear. If the ball is pushed in too far, Harshil's ear canal could be damaged.
Back in the A&E department at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, bed 9's next patient is Margaret. She has intense pain in her knee that is keeping her awake at night and it's the second time she's come to A&E because of it. She's anxious about having to go through all the tests again.

Episode 9
Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. Howard, 63, takes up resus bed 2 at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary's A&E having fallen off a ladder and suffered a serious head injury. At the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle, two-year-old Mason arrives in bed 27 - staff suspect he may have cellulitis, a serious skin infection. Bed 41 in the day surgery unit at Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital hosts Bradley, who has come in to have a fourth operation on his hand. While in bed 7 at Romford's Queen's Hospital maternity unit, Haylee is a week overdue and starting to feel impatient about the birth, bedside her partner Aaron.

Episode 10
Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. In bed 7 at Romford's Queen's Hospital, 30-year-old Iona needs to have an emergency C-section. At Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, 38-year-old Joanne is rushed in after a car accident and takes bed 9 in A&E. Joanne's father was a passenger in the car and is also injured. Following Joanne in bed 9 is 76-year-old Tony who suffered a fall and is in immense pain.

Episode 11
Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. In Romford's Queen's Hospital Maternity Unit, bed seven is looking after 29-year-old Lauren. When Lauren gave birth to her first son she had to have a caesarean section as the birth was considered high risk. This time she wants to have as natural a birth as possible. At Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital Day Surgery Unit, 54-year-old Julie has arrived as she has discovered a cancerous patch on her left leg. This will be the second operation she has had after the first one didn't take all of the cancerous skin cells away. At Newcastle's A&E Department at the Royal Victoria Infirmary is 47-year-old action man Andy and his wife Allison. Andy has come in because he hurt his hip while kayaking, and he is in serious pain. He has been to A&E 20 times throughout his life, so he is no stranger to the hospital beds.

Episode 12
Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. At the Day Surgery Unit in Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Shirley has come in to have a stent put into her heart. She's had the procedure done before over ten years ago but needs to have it re-done as she has been having chest pains. Over at the Great North Children's Hospital, bed 27 has welcomed four-year-old Rebecca, who has been brought in by her dad as she has injured her arm at school. Back in the Day Surgery Unit at Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 19-year-old Sean needs to have a grommet fitted into his left ear. The last time he had to have this done he was 13, and this is the first time he has been to hospital since he has become an adult. It is all very new to him, and he is nervous about the procedure.

Episode 13
Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. At the A&E Department in Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, a trauma call has come in. Eighteen-year-old George is rushed in by ambulance with suspected meningitis and an extremely high heart rate. At the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle, 13-year-old Harvey has been shown to bed 27. He was playing badminton at school and after landing at a funny angle on his right leg, he felt his knee lock and hasn't been able to bend his leg again. In Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital Day Surgery Unit, 51-year-old Ann-Marie has come to have a new type of injection to treat her rare blood disease. Having had the condition since she was a baby she is no stranger to hospitals, as she had her first operation when she was only six weeks old.

Episode 14
Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. At the Great North Children's Hospital in Newcastle, bed 27 is looking after 12-year-old Patrick, who has come in with lower back pain as a result of a collision during rugby practice. At the Day Surgery Unit in Birmingham's Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Carl has arrived to have an operation on his nose. He has been having problems with it for the last year and has already had two investigative operations to find out what is going on. The surgery will involve the bone being broken and moved to the side. In the A&E Department at Newcastle's Royal Victoria Infirmary, bed nine is looking after 22-year-old Ellen. She is in a lot of pain and is worried that she might have kidney stones. Ellen already has a condition that heavily affects her life called hyperparathyroid, and she is often in intense pain.

Episode 15
Documentary series following patients who enter hospitals across Britain. In bed nine at Newcastle's A&E Department in the Royal Victoria Infirmary, 19-year-old chef Michael has arrived having fallen off his bike the day before and injured his shoulder. Birmingham's Day Surgery Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital has just welcomed 67-year-old Janet, who is going to have an endoscopic procedure that will allow her to be fed straight into her stomach. While having a routine check-up at her dentist, Janet found out she had a large tumour in her mouth and neck, which turned out to be a rare form of cancer. Over in Romford's Queen's Hospital Maternity Unit, bed seven is looking after 28-year-old Shirley, who is being assessed after her waters broke in the cafe downstairs. She is keen on having a water birth, but she has an infection which needs treatment.
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