TEDTalks - Season 11 / Year 2015
Season 11 / Year 2015
Asha de Vos: Why you should care about whale poo
Daniele Quercia: Happy maps
Aziz Abu Sarah: For more tolerance, we need more ... tourism?
Fredy Peccerelli: A forensic anthropologist who brings closure for the "disappeared"
Tasso Azevedo: Hopeful lessons from the battle to save rainforests
Navi Radjou: Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits
Robert Swan: Let's save the last pristine continent
Robert Muggah: How to protect fast-growing cities from failing
Cristina Domenech: Poetry that frees the soul
Matthieu Ricard: How to let altruism be your guide
Sarah Bergbreiter: Why I make robots the size of a grain of rice
Joe Madiath: Better toilets, better life
Morgana Bailey: The danger of hiding who you are
Miguel Nicolelis: Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it
Severine Autesserre: To solve mass violence, look to locals
Khadija Gbla: My mother's strange definition of empowerment
Bassam Tariq: The beauty and diversity of Muslim life
Zeynep Tufekci: Online social change: easy to organize, hard to win
Bruce Aylward: Humanity vs. Ebola. How we could win a terrifying war
Ben Ambridge: 10 myths about psychology, debunked
Tom Wujec: Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast
Brian Dettmer: Old books reborn as art
Jaap de Roode: How butterflies self-medicate
Ricardo Semler: How to run a company with (almost) no rules
Kenneth Shinozuka: My simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe
Hannah Fry: The mathematics of love
Guy Winch: Why we all need to practice emotional first aid
Nadine Burke Harris: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime
Laura Boushnak: For these women, reading is a daring act
Angelo Vermeulen: How to go to space, without having to go to space
James A. White Sr.: The little problem I had renting a house
Rob Knight: How our microbes make us who we are
Khalida Brohi: How I work to protect women from honor killings
Romina Libster: The power of herd immunity
Ben Wellington: How we found the worst place to park in New York City -- using big data
Helder Guimarães: A magical search for a coincidence
Jon Gosier: The problem with "trickle-down techonomics"
Topher White: What can save the rainforest? Your used cell phone
Harry Baker: A love poem for lonely prime numbers
Andy Yen: Think your email's private? Think again
Ilona Szabó de Carvalho: 4 lessons I learned from taking a stand against drugs and gun violence
Sangu Delle: In praise of macro -- yes, macro -- finance in Africa
Marc Kushner: Why the buildings of the future will be shaped by ... you
Ismael Nazario: What I learned as a kid in jail
Shimpei Takahashi: Play this game to come up with original ideas
Linda Hill: How to manage for collective creativity
Vincent Cochetel: I was held hostage for 317 days. Here's what I thought about...
Robyn Stein DeLuca: The good news about PMS
David Eagleman: Can we create new senses for humans?
Joseph DeSimone: What if 3D printing was 100x faster?
Monica Lewinsky: The price of shame
Fei-Fei Li: How we're teaching computers to understand pictures
Anand Giridharadas: A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided
Dave Isay: Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear
Theaster Gates: How to revive a neighborhood: with imagination, beauty and art
Dame Stephanie Shirley: Why do ambitious women have flat heads?
Alison Killing: There's a better way to die, and architecture can help
Daniel Kish: How I use sonar to navigate the world
Kevin Rudd: Are China and the US doomed to conflict?
Boniface Mwangi: The day I stood up alone
Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We're not ready
Bel Pesce: 5 ways to kill your dreams
Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón: Math is forever
Dan Ariely: How equal do we want the world to be? You'd be surprised
Fred Jansen: How to land on a comet
Barat Ali Batoor: My desperate journey with a human smuggler
Kailash Satyarthi: How to make peace? Get angry
Takaharu Tezuka: The best kindergarten you've ever seen
Paul Tudor Jones II: Why we need to rethink capitalism
Nathalie Cabrol: How Mars might hold the secret to the origin of life
Gary Haugen: The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now
Jedidah Isler: How I fell in love with quasars, blazars and our incredible universe
Chris Milk: How virtual reality can create the ultimate empathy machine
Clint Smith: How to raise a black son in America
Nizar Ibrahim: How we unearthed the spinosaurus
Nick Bostrom: What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?
Greg Gage: How to control someone else's arm with your brain
Sophie Scott: Why we laugh
Alice Goffman: How where you live can determine your path to college — or prison
Pamela Ronald: The case for engineering our food
Abe Davis: New video technology that reveals an object's hidden properties
Bill T. Jones: The dancer, the singer, the cellist ... and a moment of creative magic
Tal Danino: Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it)
Dawn Landes: A song for my hero, the woman who rowed into a hurricane
Anand Varma: The first 21 days of a bee's life
Elora Hardy: Magical houses, made of bamboo
Roman Mars: Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed
The Lady Lifers: A moving song from women in prison for life
Martine Rothblatt: My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality
Cosmin Mihaiu: Physical therapy is boring -- play a game instead
Steven Wise: Chimps have feelings and thoughts. They should also have rights
Esther Perel: Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved
Chris Burkard: The joy of surfing in ice-cold water
Jeffrey Brown: How we cut youth violence in Boston by 79 percent
Yassmin Abdel-Magied: What does my headscarf mean to you?
Sara Seager: The search for planets beyond our solar system
Jimmy Nelson: Gorgeous portraits of the world's vanishing people
Bill Gross: The single biggest reason why startups succeed
Laura Schulz: The surprisingly logical minds of babies
Tony Fadell: The first secret of design is ... noticing
Trevor Aaronson: How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists
Linda Cliatt-Wayman: How to fix a broken school? Lead fearlessly, love hard
Suki Kim: This is what it's like to teach in North Korea
Sarah Jones: One woman, five characters, and a sex lesson from the future
Donald Hoffman: Do we see reality as it is?
Lee Mokobe: A powerful poem about what it feels like to be transgender
Rana el Kaliouby: This app knows how you feel -- from the look on your face
Margaret Heffernan: Why it's time to forget the pecking order at work
Steve Silberman: The forgotten history of autism
LaToya Ruby Frazier: A visual history of inequality in industrial America
Joey Alexander: An 11-year-old prodigy performs old-school jazz
Roxane Gay: Confessions of a bad feminist
Chip Kidd: The art of first impressions -- in design and life
Maryn McKenna: What do we do when antibiotics don't work any more?
Chris Urmson: How a driverless car sees the road
Dame Ellen MacArthur: The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world
Jimmy Carter: Why I believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse
Latif Nasser: The amazing story of the man who gave us modern pain relief
Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: Meet the women fighting on the front lines of an American war
Rajiv Maheswaran: The math behind basketball's wildest moves
Memory Banda: A warrior's cry against child marriage
Johann Hari: Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong
Ash Beckham: When to take a stand -- and when to let it go
Noy Thrupkaew: Human trafficking is all around you. This is how it works
Aspen Baker: A better way to talk about abortion
Alec Soth + Stacey Baker: This is what enduring love looks like
Salvatore Iaconesi: What happened when I open-sourced my brain cancer
Marlene Zuk: What we learn from insects' kinky sex lives
Jon Ronson: When online shaming spirals out of control
Alaa Murabit: What my religion really says about women
John Green: The nerd's guide to learning everything online
eL Seed: Street art with a message of hope and peace
Yuval Noah Harari: What explains the rise of humans?
Benedetta Berti: The surprising way groups like ISIS stay in power
Rich Benjamin: My road trip through the whitest towns in America
Matt Kenyon: A secret memorial for civilian casualties
Patience Mthunzi: Could we cure HIV with lasers?
Alix Generous: How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger's
Manuel Lima: A visual history of human knowledge
Tony Wyss-Coray: How young blood might help reverse aging. Yes, really
Christopher Soghoian: How to Avoid Surveillance...With Your Phone
Dustin Yellin: A journey through the mind of an artist
Jim Al-Khalili: How quantum biology might explain life's biggest questions
Seth Berkley: The troubling reason why vaccines are made too late ... if they're made at all
Robin Murphy: These robots come to the rescue after a disaster
Yves Morieux: How too many rules at work keep you from getting things done
Wendy Freedman: This new telescope might show us the beginning of the universe
Elizabeth Nyamayaro: An invitation to men who want a better world for women
Jamie Bartlett: How the mysterious dark net is going mainstream
Jim Simons: A rare interview with the mathematician who cracked Wall Street
Alan Eustace: I leapt from the stratosphere. Here's how I did it
Barry Schwartz: The way we think about work is broken
BJ Miller: What really matters at the end of life
Billie Jean King: This tennis icon paved the way for women in sports
David Rothkopf: How fear drives American politics
Mia Birdsong: The story we tell about poverty isn't true
Michael Kimmel: Why gender equality is good for everyone — men included
Mandy Len Catron: Falling in love is the easy part
Scott Dinsmore: How to find work you love
Sakena Yacoobi: How I stopped the Taliban from shutting down my school
Frances Larson: Why public beheadings get millions of views
Mary Robinson: Why climate change is a threat to human rights
Robin Morgan: 4 powerful poems about Parkinson's and growing older
Samuel Cohen: Alzheimer's is not normal aging — and we can cure it
Taiye Selasi: Don't ask where I'm from, ask where I'm a local
Mac Stone: Stunning photos of the endangered Everglades
Martin Pistorius: How my mind came back to life — and no one knew
Emilie Wapnick: Why some of us don't have one true calling
Alice Bows-Larkin: Climate change is happening. Here's how we adapt
Siddhartha Mukherjee: Soon we'll cure diseases with a cell, not a pill
Neri Oxman: Design at the intersection of technology and biology
Sandrine Thuret: You can grow new brain cells. Here's how
Teitur: Home is a song I've always remembered
Michael Green: How we can make the world a better place by 2030
Vijay Kumar: The future of flying robots
Alyson McGregor: Why medicine often has dangerous side effects for women
Anders Fjellberg: Two nameless bodies washed up on the beach. Here are their stories
Meklit Hadero: The unexpected beauty of everyday sounds
Will Potter: The secret US prisons you've never heard of before
Jennifer Doudna: We can now edit our DNA. But let's do it wisely
Tom Uglow: An Internet without screens might look like this
Francesco Sauro: Deep under the Earth's surface, discovering beauty and science
Hilary Cottam: Social services are broken. How we can fix them
Cesar Harada: How I teach kids to love science
Christine Sun Kim: The enchanting music of sign language
Mathias Jud: Art that lets you talk back to NSA spies
Daniel Levitin: How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed
Nancy Lublin: The heartbreaking text that inspired a crisis help line
Melissa Fleming: A boat carrying 500 refugees sunk at sea. The story of two survivors
Patrícia Medici: The coolest animal you know nothing about ... and how we can save it
Harald Haas: A breakthrough new kind of wireless Internet
Kaki King: A musical escape into a world of light and color
Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols: This is what LGBT life is like around the world
Andreas Ekström: The moral bias behind your search results
Chelsea Shields: How I'm working for change inside my church
Jean-Paul Mari: The chilling aftershock of a brush with death
Josh Luber: The secret sneaker market -- and why it matters
Nonny de la Peña: The future of news? Virtual reality
Anote Tong: My country will be underwater soon -- unless we work together
Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling?
Genevieve von Petzinger: Why are these 32 symbols found in ancient caves all over Europe?
Ann Morgan: My year reading a book from every country in the world
Regina Hartley: Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume
Marina Abramović: An art made of trust, vulnerability and connection
Kristen Marhaver: How we're growing baby corals to rebuild reefs
Jessica Shortall: The US needs paid family leave -- for the sake of its future
Chieko Asakawa: How new technology helps blind people explore the world
Guillaume Néry: The exhilarating peace of freediving
Jedidah Isler: The untapped genius that could change science for the better
Danit Peleg: Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your new clothes
Raymond Wang: How germs travel on planes -- and how we can stop them
Nicole Paris and Ed Cage: A beatboxing lesson from a father-daughter duo
Paul Greenberg: The four fish we're overeating -- and what to eat instead
Lucianne Walkowicz: Let's not use Mars as a backup planet
Alison Killing: What happens when a city runs out of room for its dead
Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin: A hilarious celebration of lifelong female friendship
António Guterres: Refugees have the right to be protected
Rodrigo Bijou: Governments don't understand cyber warfare. We need hackers
Jason deCaires Taylor: An underwater art museum, teeming with life
Robert Waldinger: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness
Minh Thuy Ta: Stop fighting for feminism
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