The Adventure Series is the ultimate adventure hunting television program that features high end production value and extremely remote filming locations. Each episode will feature a location that is unable to be reached by road - these locations are accessed by bush plane, boat, horseback, or helicopter. You won't see any hunting for whitetails, turkeys, or other species found in the lower 48 states. The episodes will feature hunts for Alaska's brown bear, interior grizzly bears, mountain goats, barren ground caribou, and then some of Canada's best moose, caribou, grizzly, sheep, and goat hunts.
Host Steve West travels to each of the destinations with his professional video team of three camera operators and using the best video and audio equipment possible they capture the dramatic hunting adventures as they unfold. Often showing Steve in difficult situations and having to overcome mental and physical obstacles while trying to successfully complete some of North America's most demanding hunts. In some cases Steve takes time away from his personal hunt to help his clients achieve their hunting dreams and this has become a very popular part of this new TV series.
It is our goal to deliver a show that is of the highest production value, comparable to Uncharted, however, focusing exclusively on locations in North America that the Outdoor Channel viewers can actually relate to and adventures they connect with on an individual level. Our new music library will fill the shows with a roller coaster ride of emotions and suspense as our editor Shane Schmidt mixes the shows will a diverse package of sounds to appeal to the viewers.